A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 589

Emet ve‑Emunah (‘Truth and Faith’)
England 240, 362, 409, 444–5, 497,
blood libel 238
Conservative Judaism 496–7
critical Jewish scholarship 447
expulsion of Jews from 238
Fifth Monarchists 371
girls in orthodox synagogues 495
Jewish settlement 238, 363, 438
Jews’ College 497
London see London
orthodox Jewish community 479
return of Jews to 363, 371
Enlightenment 424, 438, 439,
457–60, 500, 503, 527
Enoch 34, 187, 203, 212
Enoch, First book of 203, 213, 217
Book of the Watchers 208
Eötvös, József 464–5
Ephesus 194
Ephraim (son of Joseph) 9
Ephraim (tribe) 11, 22
Epicureanism 110, 126
Epiphanius 195, 196
Erasmus, Desiderius 370
eschatology 213–14, 215–16,
263, 281
Christian Second Coming expec-
tations 406–7
eschatological hopes against Rome
life after death 217–18; reincarn-
ation 116, 218; resurrection see
messianism see messianism
modern flourishing of eschato-
logical expectations 534
Essenes 69, 110, 117, 128–39, 201,
204, 220, 303
Therapeutae 65, 136–8
Esther 14, 17, 26, 36, 62, 65, 68, 206,
255, 370
midrash 268

Estonia 361
abstinence 180, 205, 259–60, 349
in Avot 279–80
and Baeck 471
Benamozegh’s regard for Jewish,
over Christian, ethics 463–4
and the codifiers 378–9
covenant-based 37
ethical devotion of Hasidei
Ashkenaz 324
ethical freedom 471
‘ethical monotheism’ (Cohen) 471
and ibn Gabirol 329
in issues arising from foundation
of State of Israel 451–2
Kant and ethical religion 459
Luzzatto’s writings on 412–13
Musar movement 413, 503, 512
and Philo 175
philosophical underpinnings of
showing gratitude to God 324
in wisdom literature 37
Ethiopian Falashas (Jews) 239, 451,
528, 529
eugenics 445
Eupolemus 99
Eusebius 129, 172, 178
evil, origin of 345
evil spirits 207–8 see also exorcism
evolutionary theories 439
excommunication (herem) 273
existentialism 473–4
Exodus, book of xxi, 17, 22, 40, 53,
56, 73, 206
midrashim Mekilta on 28, 274,
exodus, from Egypt 9, 18, 22, 76, 85,
exorcism 183, 184, 207–8, 397, 416
Eybeschütz, Yonatan 412, 413
Ezekiel (prophet) 41, 55, 323
Ezekiel, book of 26, 206, 246, 281,
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