A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

590 index

Ezekiel the Tragedian: Exagoge 99
Ezra (scribe) xxix, 23, 32, 61,
76, 212
Ezra ben Solomon 346
Ezra, book of 23, 26, 44, 59
Ezra, IV (apocryphal) 213, 241

Fackenheim, Emil 476
Fadalchassem, Maborach 312
Falashas (Ethiopian Jews) 239, 451,
528, 529
Falk, Samuel Jacob Hayyim 416
fall of Man 393
family law 78–9
fasting 84, 113, 157, 202, 205–6, 253
days of 56, 61, 65, 84 see also Day
of Atonement
fast of Av 253, 449
Sabbatai Zevi and the fast of the
Tenth of Tevet 401
Fatimids 334
Faustinus of Venosa 299
Feinstein, Moshe 488, 519
Feldman, Aharon 512–13
feminism 517–19
critical feminist scholarship 517
feminist approach to sexuality 519
second-wave 517
Ferdinand II of Aragon 237, 363
Filosof, Jacob (later Jacob Querido) 409
financiers 443, 448
finials (rimmonim) 369
Finkelstein, Louis 492
Firkovich, Abraham 309–10
first fruits 49, 51, 83, 170
Florence 365, 450
food, kosher see kosher food
forgiveness 85, 322–3
baptism and the forgiveness of sins
and the Day of Atonement see Day
of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Formstecher, Solomon 470
Fourth Philosophy (Josephus) 106,
114, 139–42

and the sicarii 141–2
France 311, 362, 435, 476–7, 527
Alliance Israélite Universelle 447
Assembly of Jewish Notables
blood libel 238
French Revolution 438, 442
and the Holocaust 437
Jewish academies 273
Jewish settlement/communities
237, 322, 323, 438, 443; and
the Dreyfus affair 443–4
Ligue de la Patrie Française 444
Paris see Paris
Provence see Provence
Société des Etudes Juives 447
women in synagogue 250
Franciscans 337, 344
Frank, Eva 411
Frank, Jacob 410–11, 424
Frankel, Zacharias 464, 484–5, 491
Frankfurt am Main 385, 443, 463
Freies Jüdisches Lehrhaus 473, 474
Reform Conference 462, 484
Frankism 410–11, 424
free will 208–9
freedom, ethical 471
frescoes 180, 246, 293–4
fringes 450
fur trade 361
Fustat 238
Cairo Genizah see Cairo Genizah
synagogue 150, 239

Gabriel, archangel 209
Gad (tribe) 11
Gadara 92
Gaius 221
Galilee 15, 231, 269, 390, 391
Sea of 20
Tiberias see Tiberias, Galilee
Gallus, Cestius 106
Gamaliel 120–21, 127, 145, 160,
161, 164, 169–70, 183, 190,
197, 214
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