A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 591

Gamaliel II 66, 247, 266, 268, 286
Gamaliel IV (or VI) 298
Ganzfried, Shlomo 501
gaon scholars see geonim
Gaster, Moses 444
Gateshead yeshivah 512
Geiger, Abraham 462, 464, 481
gematria 275
gender issues
feminist see feminism
Jews learning to adapt to 438
women see women
Genesis 21, 71, 84, 281
Apocryphon 147
commentary, Bereshit Rabbah
180, 268
Culi’s commentary 377
Philo’s Questions and Answers on
Genesis 175–6
Rashi’s commentary 318
Geneva 371
genizah 239
geonim 259, 263, 264–5, 270, 276,
280, 288, 307–8, 311, 313–14,
315, 325, 327, 330, 345, 377,
384, 387–9, 416
Gerizim, Mount 59–60
Germanic tribes 229
Germany 240, 258, 311, 385, 435, 443
antisemitism 443, 445 see also
Berlin see Berlin
German Jews converting to Christi-
anity 446, 464, 472
Historical movement 484
Jewish academies 273
Jewish migration to Poland 362,
Jewish settlement/communities
237, 258, 322, 364, 438;
emigrants from former Soviet
Union in 529; and Napoleon
and his fall 443
Mendelssohn and his impact on
German Jewry 457–9

museums of Jewish culture 445
Nazi see Nazism
neo-orthodox Judaism 480–85
Reform Judaism 460–63, 464,
471–4, 477, 483
riots and Jewish persecution in
early 19th century 443
Verein für Kultur und Wissenschaft
der Juden 447
women in medieval synagogues
Gershom ben Judah, Rabbenu 273
Gersonides (Levi b. Gershon, aka
Ralbag) 339
Gezer, ‘High Place’ 40
Ghazali 334
Italy 365, 369
Warsaw 449, 454, 490
Gikatilla, Yosef ben Avraham 350
Ginzberg, Asher (Ahad Ha’am) 495
Girona mystics 346, 347
global economy 361
Glückel of Hameln 404
anthropomorphic imagery of 71,
attachment/communion (devekut)
with 516
biblical view of 71–4
and Cohen’s Die Religion der
Vernunft 470
as creator 38, 71; with contraction
(tsimtsum) 393; through divine
emanations/sefirot 282, 329,
347, 349, 350, 352, 368, 391,
397; and First Cause 330; with
human collaboration 470
divine covenant see covenant
divine justice see justice: divine
existence of xxii, 328, 340, 459,
hiding himself 476, 490
image of 71, 174–5
and Logos see Logos
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