A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

592 index

God – cont.
as Lord of the Universe 76
monotheism see monotheism
names of 43, 71, 72; and the Baal
Shem Tov 416; combination of
names (yihud) 397; commun-
ication with God by Way of the
Divine Name 347; and Platonic
Form of Forms 174; Tetra-
grammaton 72, 365, 416
relations with humankind 73, 76
see also covenant
Trinitarianism see Trinitarianism
union with 415
unity of 174
golden calves 17, 57
golem creation 324, 395
Goren, Shlomo 452–3
Gospels 69 see also specific Gospels
by name
Graetz, Heinrich 447, 484
Granada 236, 237
graveyards see cemeteries/graveyards
Greece 21, 232
Graeco-Macedonian empire 91,
Greek Judaism 99–100, 289–300,
Greek philosophy see philosophy:
Hellenism see Hellenism
and the Holocaust 437
Jews in a Graeco-Roman world
91–109, 289–300
Olympic Games 103
Talmud study in 385
and Turkey 409
worship 40–41
Greek language 21, 99–100, 190–91,
290, 299
translation of Hebrew Bible see
Green, Arthur 515–16
Greenberg, Irving (Yitz) 490
Greenberg, Steven 519

Grossman, Susan 518
Gryn, Hugo 512
Gulf War, first 511
Gunzberg, Aryeh Leib ben Asher
Gush Emunim 506–7

Haarlem 363
Habad Lubavitch 418, 510–11,
512–13, 530, 532
Habakkuk, Qumran commentary 63
Habsburgs 362
haCohen, Yisrael Meir (Hafets
Hayyim) 501, 511
Hadrian 244
Hafets Hayyim (Yisrael Meir
haCohen) 501–2, 511
haftaroth 376
Haggadah 252, 267
Sarajevo 247
Haggai 41
Hagiz, Moshe 412, 413
Hai Gaon 311, 384, 416
haIyyun, Sefer 345
Hakam II, Islamic library 332
halakhah xxvi, 263, 273–4
and the codifiers 378–9, 380–83,
385, 389
and Conservative Judaism 493–4
development 312–26
and Eybeschütz 413
Halakhot Gedolot 263
Hasidei Ashkenaz approach 324
and hiddushim 314–15
and kabbalistic speculation 351–2
and Leibowitz 490
and Luria 390
polemics against halakhic writings
of Maimonides 335–6
printed 377
and Sabbatianism 400–401, 410
and scientific/technological
advances 450
and Sefer haMitzvot of Hefets b.
Yatsliah 315
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