A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 593

Soloveitchik’s Halakhic Man
traditionalist theology and
halakhic change 492
Halevi, Joseph, of Livorno 403, 404,
406, 407
Halevi, Judah: Kuzari 330–31
Hallel psalms 453
Halpern, Ben 522
Haman 13–14
Hamburg 385, 463, 480–81, 489
New Israelite Temple Association
Rabbinical Court 480
Temple 480
Hammat Tiberias synagogue 269,
283, 294
Hammurabi, Code of 28
Hananel ben Hushiel 313
Hanina ben Dosa 206–7
Hannah 48
Hanukkah 57, 68, 96, 254, 255, 306,
383, 454, 456
HaPoel HaMizrahi 506
Har Sinai Verein, Baltimore 466
haredim 480, 485, 486, 498–514,
and Hasidism 503–4
in Israel 506–9, 513–14,
528–9, 532
and messianism 504, 506
Neturei Karta 508–9
and the rebuilding of the Temple
women 499–500, 501, 514
and Zionism see Zionism: and
Harnack, Adolf von: Wesen des
Christentums 471
Hartman, David 531
Hasid, Judah 410
Hasidei Ashkenaz 324, 343–4, 347,
Hasidism 413–25
Bratslav hasidim 420, 509

and Buber 473–4
Gur hasidim 504
Habad Lubavitch 418, 510–11,
and haredim 503–4
and Jewish renewal 516
messianism in 420, 425, 504,
509; Habad Lubavitch 511,
and music 421, 516
opponents (mitnagdim) 422, 423
prayer 415, 417, 421, 422
Satmar 504
Sefer Hasidim 324, 343
sharpening of knives 421, 422
tsaddik in 415, 418–19, 420, 421,
425, 509
and Zionism 504–5
Hasmonaeans 15–16, 21, 24, 59,
95–103, 155
Havdalah 252, 255
haverim 166–70, 201
havurot (religious gatherings) 517
Hayon, Nehemiah 412
Hayyim ben Betsalel 381–2, 385
Hazon Ish (Avraham Yeshayahu
Karelitz) 502
Hazor temple 40
head coverings, men’s 323, 463
heave-offerings 166–7
Hebrew language xxvi–xxvii, 31, 84,
273, 299–300, 335, 463, 492–3,
504–5, 509, 528, 532
printing 362
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati
467, 479
Hecataeus of Abdera xxii
Hefets ben Yatsliah 315
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 460,
470, 471
Hegesippus 129, 300
Hekhalot mysticism 263,
342, 351
Helena of Adiabene 112, 165–6
Helios 255, 294
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