A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

594 index

and Alexandria 171
Dead Sea scrolls and the rejection
of 100
Hellenizer party 94, 96
Jewish Hellenization 37, 93, 94–5,
98, 99
and the Maccabean revolt 15, 24,
55, 68, 93, 95–6
Hemerobaptists 201
Heraclius 231
herem (excommunication) 273
heretics 285–8, 337
Karaites regarded as 307
Herod of Chalcis 104
Herod the Great 11, 16, 21, 24, 45,
102–3, 234
Herodians 21
Hertz, Joseph H. 479, 491
Herzl, Theodor 448
Heschel, Abraham Joshua 492, 493,
hesed (loving-kindness) 279
Hesiod 177
Hezekiah 12, 19
hiddushim 314–15
High Priests 13, 14, 15, 16, 41, 72,
79, 140, 234
on Day of Atonement 54–5, 56
and the Greeks 93
Hasmonaean 96, 97–8, 99, 101,
121–2, 155
Jesus and the High Priest Caiaphas
104, 185, 186
under the Romans 103–4, 105,
107, 123
Sanhedrin of see Sanhedrin
and Zadokites 55, 96, 156
and Zealots 144
Hillel 160, 161
House of 162–3, 166, 168, 200,
Himyarites 233
Hippolytus 118, 195
Hippos 92

Hiram, king of Tyre 11
Hirsch, Maurice de, Baron 448
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 480–84,
485, 497
Neunzehn Briefe über Judentum
Hirsch, Samuel 470–71
Hisdai ibn Shaprut 271
Historical movement 484
Hitler, Adolf 445
Hofjuden 364
Holdheim, Samuel 460–61
holiness see purity/sanctity/
Holland see Netherlands
Holocaust 310, 436–7, 445, 448–9,
490, 531, 534
commemorations 454
and haredim 499
and Reform Judaism 476–7
theology of the Holocaust 476,
490, 493
Holofernes 206
Holy of Holies 55, 72, 85
Homer 176, 177
homosexuality 82, 383, 439,
gay and lesbian synagogues
gay liberation 520
LGBT demand for recognition
LGBT Jews in Reconstructionist
movement 495
ordination of gay and lesbian Jews
World Congress of Gay and
Lesbian Jews 520
Honi the circle-maker 205–6
Honorius 285
Horowitz, Jacob Isaac, the Seer of
Lublin 421
Hosea 26, 42
Hoshaiah, Rabbi 268
Hoshana Rabba 254
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