A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 595

humanism 360, 365–7, 370, 385,
Humanistic Judaism 521–3
Huna ben Yehoshua 323
Hungary 385, 437, 447
National Congress of Hungarian
Jewry 465
Neologists and Reform movement
orthodox Judaism 485; and
Hasidism 504
Status Quo Ante group 465
Hurwitz, Sara 518
Hyrcanus, John 59, 96, 97–8, 99,
110, 124, 127
Hyrcanus II 100, 101, 102

ibn Arabi 348, 349
ibn Daud, Abraham: Sefer
haKabbalah 271
ibn Ezra, Abraham 27, 259, 318
ibn Ezra, Moshe 329
ibn Gabirol, Shlomo 329–30, 352
ibn Haviv, Levi, of Jerusalem 375
ibn Kammuna, Sa’ad 308–9
ibn Rushd (Averroes) 332, 339, 340
ibn Tibbon, Shmuel 335
ibn Tibbon family 259
ibn Zur, Yaakov 383
iconography 180, 246, 293–4
idealism 460, 469
idolatry 17
Baal worship 72, 79
in Temple, under Antiochus
Epiphanes 94
Idumaea/Idumaeans 15, 97–8
image of God 71, 174–5
India 361, 438
Inquisition 360, 365
Spanish 237
International Institute for Secular
Humanistic Judaism 521–2
internet 499, 531
Iran 435, 437, 438, 509 see also

Iraq 234–5, 528
Ireland 439
Irenaeus 195
Isaac 62–3, 220
Isaac the Blind 345, 346
Isaac ben Moses of Vienna: Or Zarua
Isabella I of Castile 237, 363
Isaiah (prophet) 27
Isaiah ben Joseph of Tabriz 350
Isaiah, book of 13, 26, 27, 42, 61–2,
Qumran scroll 27
Isfahan rebellion 302–3
Ishmael, Rabbi 64
Islam 230, 231–2, 234–7
break-up of Islamic world into
independent caliphates 235–6
conversion to 232, 236, 374, 403
Dar al-Islam 446
Dönmeh 409–10
European toleration questions
influence on Judaism 258–60, 280,
327, 331–2; with Karaites
302–9 see also Karaites; via
Sufism 259–60, 324, 348
Islamic antisemitism 446
Islamic library of Hakam II 332
and the Jewish diaspora see
diaspora: in Islamic world
and Maimonides 334–5
‘New Muslims’ 374
Ottomans see Ottomans/Ottoman
Palestinian cause and the Islamic
world 446
Reconquista of Spain 332, 336
Sabbatian attitudes to 409
scholasticism (kalam) 259, 309
Shiite 303–4, 334
Sufism see Sufism
Sunni xxv, 304; Almoravids 332,
334; Ayyubids 332, 334
as a threat to Christendom 360
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