A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

596 index

Israel, land of xxvii, 18–19, 21, 29,
agricultural produce offerings/
tithes 49, 51, 54, 56
boundaries 84, 507; in Sifre to
Deuteronomy and rabbinical
debate 264, 266
Canaan see Canaan
European Jews migrating to,
during Renaissance 363
following Roman destruction of
Jerusalem 230–32
holiness of 83–4, 266
Islamic conquest 233
Judaea see Judaea
Palestine see Palestine
personified 83
and Poalei Agudat Yisrael 486
as the promised land 83–4
Zionism and mass return to 447,
506 see also Zionism
Israel, State of 435, 437, 448, 451–4,
527–8, 531
Arab/Palestinian Israelis 437
Arab conflict 437, 446; and
captured territory 507; Six Day
War 507
compulsory military service 453
emigration of Israelis 437
identity cards 522
Independence Day 453, 454
Kach party 508
Knesset 453–4
Law of Return 451
Masorti (Conservative Judaism) 496
national identity 532
orthodox Jews 489–90; haredim
506–9, 513–14, 528–9, 532
prayer for 449, 509
rabbis’ role in 451–3
and Reform Judaism 475–6, 477;
rejection by most native-born
Israelis 478
secular humanistic Judaism
movement 522–3

Shas 529
shomrei masoret 528
social security system 514
Soviet Jews in 442, 528, 529
Status Quo 496
as theological answer to the
Holocaust 476
UN debate on creation of Jewish
state 476
and the USA 446
and the West Bank 507
Yemenite Jews in 528
and Zionism see Zionism
Israeli, Isaac ben Solomon 352
Israeli Defence Forces 507
African Hebrew Israelites 529
Black Hebrew Israelites 529
Canaan’s entry and possession 10,
claims of identification with ‘lost
tribes of Israel’ 325, 359, 529
in the desert 22
Egyptian exodus 9, 18, 22, 76, 85,
Israel as ‘light to the nations’ 76
northern kingdom 11–12, 19, 20,
23, 59
southern kingdom see Judah
(southern kingdom)
Issachar (tribe) 11
Isserlein, Israel ben Petahyah 321
Isserles, Moses 378–9, 381–2, 383,
Darkhei Moshe 381
Mappah 378, 381–2
Istanbul see Constantinople/Byzan-
Italy 238, 247, 272, 385, 389, 439
academies 389
banning of Talmud 389
ghettoes 365
and the Holocaust 437
Jews during the Renaissance
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