A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 597

paytanim schools 248
Izates of Adiabene 112

Jacob (patriarch) 8–9, 22
Jacob, Hebrew names of Yaakov see
entries at Yaakov
Jacob ben Nathanel al-Fayyumi 239
Jacob Isaac Horowitz, the Seer of
Lublin 421
Jacob of Marvège: Responsa from
Heaven 316–17
Jacobs, Louis 496–7
Jacobson, Israel 461, 462
James, brother of Jesus 189
James I 368
Jason (Jesus) 93
Jazirat al-Rawda 390
Jebusites 11
Jeremiah 26, 42, 44, 86
Jeroboam 57
Jerome 36, 196, 287
African Hebrew Israelites 529
Bratslav hasidim 509
Byzantine 231
as centre of rabbinic scholarship
272, 385
Church 189, 192
as ‘City of David’ 11
deserted during Babylonian exile 12
Dome of the Rock 244, 533
economy 51
fall to Antiochus Epiphanes 15
fall to Babylonians 12, 20, 23
fall to Ptolemy I 14
under the Greeks 20
Jewish expulsion under
Heraclius 231
Jewish rebels (66 to 70 bce) in 25
Jewish settlement under
Mamluks 232
Karaites 309, 310
Ketef Hinnom 54
lost as religious centre after 70 bce

Mea Shearim 498–9
Merkaz haRav Kook yeshivah 507
Persian capture (614) 231
pilgrimage to 50–51, 108, 234,
prophecy of end-time gathering of
nations in 76, 85
under the Ptolemies 14
and religious tourism 51
Renaissance European Jews
migrating to 363
return of Babylonian exiles to 13,
20, 23
revolt by Pharisees against
Alexander Jannaeus in 121–2
and the Romans: capture by
Pompey 15, 24, 100–101;
destruction 70 bce of city and
Temple xxvi, 16, 24, 53, 105,
106–7, 146, 229, 239–40, 241,
243; founding of Aelia Capito-
lina 244; Herod’s rule 16, 24;
prosperity 108–9; rebuilding
under Herod 21; revolt of 70
bce 104–7; and Zealots
Sabbetai Zevi in 399
under the Seleucids 14–15
Sephardim influx after 1492 385
sieges of 12, 16, 24, 101,
143, 146
Temple see Temple in Jerusalem
Temple Institute 533
Temple Mount 101, 244, 453
and the Zealots 142
as Zion 25
Jerusalem Day 453
Jerusalem Talmud see Palestinian
Jesus ben Ananias 189, 212
Jesus of Nazareth 61–2, 144,
181–7, 218
on avoidance of oaths and
vows 204
blasphemy charge 185–6
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