A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

598 index

Jesus of Nazareth – cont.
and the Christian faith 194–5;
baptism into Christ 194 see
also baptism; lordship of Christ
193–4; messiahship of Jesus
186, 192, 196, 215; name of
Jesus 365; Paul’s preaching
186–7, 188; resurrection of
Jesus 187, 193; Second Coming
expectations 406–7; sonship of
Jesus 186–7
cleansing of the Temple 144, 184–5
companions of 184
crucifixion/death 186, 187, 220
Josephus on 181, 182
and the Pharisees and scribes 111,
114, 116–17, 118, 120, 185,
201, 204
Sermon on the Mount 185
and the Toledot Yeshu 257
and the Torah 185
Jewish Christians 55–6, 195–6, 286–7
Jewish Defense League 507
Jewish diaspora see diaspora
Jewish Free School (JFS), London 455
Jewish identity xxiii, xxv, 528–9
and American Reform Jews 477
Bible study and Israeli national
identity 454
and circumcision 81–2, 95
DNA testing 529
and heretics see heretics
with intermarriage and seculariz-
ation 437–8, 446
Israel’s identity cards 522
and Israel’s Law of Return 451
Jewish Christians 55–6, 195–6
and the Karaites 307, 309–10
marriage problems over 530–31
as matter of self-definition 529
national identity in Babylonian
exile 23
and nationalism see nationalism:
under Nazism 445

orthodox rejection of many
Reform Jews 480
patrilineal descent 478, 480, 529
for secular Jews 454–5 see also
Secular Judaism
and synagogue membership 454–5
and terminology xxv–xxvi, 25
and Yiddish 468 see also Yiddish
Jewish population see population,
Jewish Quarterly Review 466
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Jewish Religious Union 466, 491
Jewish renewal 515–23
Alliance for Jewish Renewal
(ALEPH) 516
Jewish studies, western academic
discipline of xxvii
Jewish Theological Seminary of
America 491, 494–5, 496
Jews for Jesus 530
Joazar ben Boethus 104
Job 26, 35, 73
Joel 26, 86
Johannesburg, Adass Jisroel syna-
gogue 485
John the Baptist 183, 201, 205
John the Essene 137
John, Gospel of 144, 216
on the sonship of Jesus 186
Jonah 76
Jonah ben Avraham Gerondi 337
Jonah, book of 300
Jonas, Regina 477
Jonathan (Hasmonaean High Priest)
96, 97, 155
Joseph (patriarch) 8–9
Joseph ibn Tsur 407–8
Josephus, Flavius xxii, 7, 28, 29, 31,
37, 58, 64, 65, 69, 79, 92, 100,
146–7, 159–60, 203, 212, 534
Antiquities 7–17, 21, 24–5, 64,
106, 112, 116, 134, 140, 179,
181, 182, 220, 300
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