A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

600 index

Justin Martyr: Dialogue with the Jew
Trypho 256, 286
Justinian I 290–91, 296–7
Justinian II 233
Justus of Tiberias 100

kabbalah/kabbalists 271, 336, 341,
345–52, 389, 463
Christian appropriation of
kabbalah 352, 365–6
ecstatic kabbalah 346, 347–8, 391
Girona mystics 346, 347
Lurianic 390–97, 398, 407, 413,
415, 449, 505
and messianism 506
and repair of the world (tikkun
olam) 393, 397
Sabbatian 398–413
Sephardi kabbalists 528
Zohar see Zohar
Kach party 508
Kaddish prayer 280, 383–4
Kafah, Yihye ben Solomon 528
Kahane, Meir (born Martin David)
Kaifeng Jews 239
Kairouan 235, 238, 263, 271, 313,
314, 325
academy 271, 314, 317
kalam (Islamic scholasticism) 259,
309, 327–8
Kalischer, Zvi Hirsch 447, 506
Kalisz, Statute of 364
Kalkreuth, Adolf 459
Kallir, Eleazar 248, 254
Kalonymus ben Moses 272–3
Kalonymus family 237, 272, 324,
343, 344
Kamienice 411
Kant, Immanuel 413, 457, 459, 469,
Kaplan, Mordechai 494–5
kapparot 464
Karaites 125, 249, 287–8, 301–10,

in Byzantine empire 309
in eastern Europe 310
Egyptian 309, 310
and the Holocaust 310
in Jerusalem 309, 310
in modern Israel 310
and Rabbanites 302–9, 310
in Russia 309–10
synagogues 272, 307
Karelitz, Avraham Yeshayahu (Hazon
Ish) 502
Karo, Yosef 375, 378–81, 383, 385, 395
Beth Yosef 380, 381
Maggid Mesharim 379
Shulhan Arukh 378, 379, 380–81,
382, 383, 465, 501; haCohen’s
commentary 501; Shneur
Zalman’s revision 418
Kartir 234
Kassel synagogue 461, 462
Kattowitz 485, 505
Katzenellenbogen, Meir 300
kedushah 247–8
Khazaria and Khazar Jews 233, 310
Kilkes, Nathan ben Moses 350
Kimhi, Joseph 318
Kings, books of 17, 19, 22–3, 26, 37,
I Kings 22, 41
II Kings 27, 44
Kirkisani, Ya’kub al- 302–3, 305
Kishinev pogrom 448
klezmer music 516
Kluger, Solomon 450
Knesset 453–4, 508
Kohn, Abraham 479
Kol Nidrei 253
Kook, Abraham 505–6, 509
Kook, Zvi Yehudah 507
Koran 231, 327
kosher food 79–80, 111, 170, 184,
200, 305, 312, 385, 452, 455–6,
463, 479, 532
Ashkenazi/Sephardi restrictions
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