A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 601

Kotler, Aharon 511
Kranz, Yaakov ben Wolf (Dubno
Maggid) 377
Krochmal, Nahman 460
Kumisi, Daniel ben Moses al- 304–5,
Kuntillet Ajrûd 43
Kutuzov, Mikhail 423

Lachish temple 40
Lag BaOmer 280, 454
Lamentations 37, 253
midrash 268
Lamm, Norman 519
Lateran Council, Fourth 237–8
Lavatar, Johann Caspar 457
Babylonian codes 28
Jewish see Torah/Jewish law
Lazarus 187
League of Nations 436
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu 489–90
Lemba 529
Lemberg (modern Lviv) 450, 479 see
also Lvov
Leo X, Pope 362
Leone Modena 368–9, 389
Leontopolis temple 58
Levi (tribe) 11, 53
Levites in period of Second Temple
53, 54
Levi Yitzhak ben Meir of Berdichev
415, 424, 476
Levinas, Emmanuel 476–7
levirate marriage 78, 82
Leviticus 26, 42, 53, 55, 200, 305,
519, 533
Rabbah 268
Sifra on 28, 274
Liberal Jewish Synagogue 466
Liberal Jews 181
UK 520
US 529
Lieberman, Saul 495
Ligue de la Patrie Française 444

Lilith 518
Limoges 237
Linus 177
Lithuania 238, 309, 361, 364, 385,
414–15, 422, 440, 502–3, 504
Bund 447
orthodox Judaism 485
Livorno (Leghorn) 385
Loew, Judah, Maharal of Prague 367,
logical positivism 522
Logos 174–5, 304, 365, 368
London 238, 416, 435
Jewish Free School 455
synagogues: Bevis Marks xxvii,
369, 370; Great Synagogue
416, 444, 465; Liberal Jewish
Synagogue 466; New London
Synagogue 497; United
Synagogue 466; West London
Synagogue 465–6
World Union for Progressive
Judaism 474–5, 476
Louis XIV 362
loving-kindness (hesed) 279
loyalty oaths, Assyrian 74
Lubavitch see Habad Lubavitch
Lublin 385
Lucca 272
Lucena academy 271
Luke, Gospel of 61, 144, 218
on the sonship of Jesus 186
Luria, Isaac ben Solomon 390–92,
Lurianic kabbalah 390–97, 398, 407,
413, 415, 449, 505
Luther, Martin 370
Bible translation 380
Lutheran Church 370
Luzzatto, Moshe Hayyim 412
Mesillat Yesharim 412–13
Luzzatto, Shmuel David (Shadal)
Lvov 385 see also Lemberg
Lydda 267
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