A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

602 index

Maayan haHokhma (‘Spring of
Wisdom’) 345–6
Maccabee family 55, 95 see also
Hyrcanus see Hyrcanus, John
Jonathan 96, 97, 155
Judah Maccabee 15, 24, 45, 57,
Maccabean revolt 15, 24, 55, 68,
93, 95–6
Simon 96, 97
Maccabees, books of 36, 44, 93–7,
99, 202
I Maccabees 94, 95–6, 97, 98, 144
II Maccabees 57, 68, 93–4, 95,
217, 219–20
III Maccabees 209–10
Macedonia 21, 29
Graeco-Macedonian empire 91,
machines, use in religious observances
maggidim (popular preachers) 377,
379, 412
magic 206–7, 282–3
golem creation 324, 395
Magnes, Judah 476
Magyar nationalists 464
Maharil (Yaakov ben Moshe haLevi
Molin) 323
Mahzikey haDas 500, 503
Maimon, Solomon 413–14, 423,
Transcendental Philosophy 459
Maimonides 239, 245, 259, 308,
331–6, 375, 380
and Abulafia 348
Aristotelianism 332–3, 352
Commentary on the Mishnah 333
controversy over resurrection
Guide for the Perplexed 332–3,
338, 347
and Islam 334–5
letters in Cairo Genizah 335

Mishneh Torah 315, 326, 333,
335, 452
and Nahmanides 336–7
thirteen principles of the Torah
333–4, 340
tomb 337
Treatise on Resurrection 335–6
Yad 322
Yigdal 335
Maimonides, Abraham 348
Maimonides, Obadiah ben Abraham
Mainz 238, 258, 320, 343
academy 273
synagogue 247
Malachi 216
Malakh, Hayyim 410
Malik al-Ramli 305
Malkin, Yaakov 522–3
Mamluks 232, 235
Mamun, al-, caliph 327
mamzer status 530
Manaemus 133
Manasseh ben Israel (Manoel Dias
Soeiro) 363
Manasseh (tribe) 9, 11, 22
Mantua 360, 366, 367, 368, 394, 402
Marcion 172, 196–7
Mari 22
Mariamme 102
Mark, Gospel of 117, 184, 185–6
marriage see also betrothal
bigamy 258
among the Essenes 134
intermarriage with gentiles 464;
and secularization 437–8, 446
and Jewish identity 530
levirate 78, 82
and mamzer status 530
ornate contracts 370
polygamy 258, 273, 533
of priests 52
and procreation 78, 82
remarriage of widows of soldiers
missing in action 453
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