A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 603

Martinez, Ferrand 237
martyrdom 219–21, 258, 449
Marx, Karl 447
Masada 36, 141, 142, 145
maskilim 446, 460, 503
masorah 248
masoretes 61, 249, 272, 288
Masorti 496 see also Conservative
Mastema 208
Mattathias 15, 44, 95, 144, 202
Matthew, Gospel of 204, 205
and the Pharisees 111, 114,
116–17, 118, 120
on the sonship of Jesus 186
matzot‑making 450
Maximilian I 370
Meah Shearim, Jerusalem 498–9
Me’am Loez 377
meat taboos 79–80
Medes 12–13, 59
Media 12
Medici 365
Medina 231
Medzibozh 416
Megiddo 18
battle of 23
shrine 43
temple 40
Megillat Ta’anit 113
Meir, Rabbi 167
Meir ben Baruch of Rothenburg 314
Meir ben Gedalyah (‘Maharam’) 382
Meiri, Menahem 338
Meiron 389–90, 391
memorial prayers 384
Menachem 145
Menahem Mendel of Vitebsk 418, 423
Menander of Laodicea 244–5
Mendelssohn, Moses 457–9, 461, 500
Menelaus 93, 94
Menelik 239
Mennonites 372
menorah 93, 293, 294, 295
menstruation 80, 163, 250, 251, 306

Merkaz haRav Kook yeshivah 507
Meshulam of Volterra, Rabbi 235
Meshulam ben Yaakov of Lunel 325
Mesopotamia 8, 17, 18, 24, 261
creation accounts 21
rabbinic centres 265
temples 40
urbanization 18, 19–20
messianism 106, 214–17, 239
and Abulafia 347
anti-Christian 340
Elijah as harbinger of Messiah
216, 252
Frankel and the messianic hope
and the future of Judaism 528–34
and haredim 504, 506
in Hasidism 420, 425, 504, 509;
Habad Lubavitch 511, 512–13
and Jesus 186, 192, 196, 215
and kabbalistic speculation 506
and Luria 392, 394
and mass return to land of Israel
447, 506
missionary Messianic Jewish
movement 530
and Molcho 359–60
Qumran community’s expectations
152, 154, 157; Messiah of
Aaron 154, 216–17; Messiah
of David 154
in Reform prayers 463
and Reuveni 359
Sabbatianism 398–413
in Sefer Zerubbabel 281
and Vital 393
and Zionism 448, 506, 509
metempsychosis 116, 218, 345, 394,
Metz 385, 413
Mexico 435
mezuzah 255
Micah 42
Michael, archangel 209, 213
Michah 322
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