A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

604 index

Midianites 22, 207
midrashim xxvi, 249–50, 263, 268,
274–5, 294
Mekilta on Exodus 28, 274, 318
and Rashi 318
Sifra on Leviticus 28
Sifre on Numbers and Deuter-
onomy 28
on Song of Songs 256–7, 268
Tadsha 181
Mifalot Elohim 416
mikvaot (ritual baths) 250
military service/enlistment 452, 453,
millenarianism 217, 371, 407
Mimouna festival 527
Minorca 236
miracles 336
Mishnah xxix, 28, 31, 55, 60, 67,
107, 200, 209, 250, 251, 253,
262, 267, 281, 288, 322
Avot 113, 160, 278–9
on betrothal customs 283–4
on Esther reading 255
on fasting 205
on festive dancing and clapping
on the first fruits 49
and Gamaliel 120–21
and Hanina b. Dosa 206–7
on Helena of Adiabene 165–6
on the House of Onias 58
and liturgical readings/patterns 61,
62, 65–6, 68
Maimonides’ commentary on 333
and the nazirite vow 165–6,
and sages 28, 36, 160–65, 201,
265, 285–6, 308
talmudic commentaries see Talmud
and the Temple/sacrifices 46, 48,
53, 56, 244
Tikkunei Zohar on 351
on Urim and Tummim 75
on water-drawing 51

and zealots (kanaim) 145
mitnagdim 422, 423
Mizrahi movement 506
Moabites 10
Modena, Leone 368–9
Modiin 95
Moetset Gedolei haTorah 485–6
Mohilever, Shmuel 447, 448, 506
Molcho, Solomon (born Diego Pires)
Moldova 440 see also Podolia
Kishinev pogrom 448
monarchy of Israel 18, 22–3
biblical critiques of sinful kings 79
people’s demand for 10
Monatsschrift für Geschichte und
Wissenschaft des Judenthums
monotheism 28–9, 463
‘ethical monotheism’ (Cohen) 471
and Trinitarianism 259
Montagu, Edwin 466
Montagu, Lily 466
Montagu, Louis, 2nd Baron Swayth-
ling 466
Montefiore, Claude 466, 491
Montefiore, Sir Moses 447
Morais, Sabato 491
Moravia 395, 482–3
Morocco 236, 402, 407, 409, 435,
Moroccan Jewish community of
Paris 527
mosaics 231, 245, 246, 255–6, 264,
268, 269, 292, 294, 297
Moscato, Judah ben Joseph 368
Moscow 441
Moses 9, 30, 56, 212
God’s covenant with xxi, 34
and Josephus xxi–xxii
Jubilees account 64
legend of childhood beauty 63
Pentateuch authorship belief 27,
30, 373
Philo’s Life of Moses 179
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