A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 605

revelation on Mount Sinai xxi, 9,
Moses of Burgos 351
Moses ben Hanokh 271, 314
Moshe ben Asher 272
Moshe de Leon 350
mourning 84, 383–4
Mu’awiya I 232
Muhammad 231
Mukammis, David ibn Marwan (aka
David haBavli) 327, 328
multiculturalism 438
Münster–Westphalia, peace of 361
Musa Pasha 398
Musar movement 413, 503, 512
museums of Jewish culture 445
Mushkanites 303
music 248, 331, 369, 449, 467, 475
in Hasidism 421, 516
and Jewish renewal 516
klezmer 516
of Therapeutae choir 65, 137
with water-drawing 50, 51
Muslim Brotherhood 446
Mutawakkil, al- 327
Mu‘tazilah 309, 327
mystical Judaism 263, 264, 281–2,
311, 339, 342–52
ecstatic 346, 347–8, 391
Girona mystics 346, 347
Hasidic see Hasidism
Hekhalot 263, 342, 351
of the kabbalah see kabbalah/
kavanah 391
Lurianic see Lurianic kabbalah
vs rationalism 336–7
Sufi influence on 259–60, 324, 348
see also Sufism
Way of the Divine Name 347
and the Zohar see Zohar

Nachman, Rabbi 473
Nag Hammadi 182
Nahariyah altar 40

Nahawandi, Benjamin ben Moses
al- 304
Nahman of Bratslav 420, 425, 509
Nahmanides, Moses (Moshe ben
Nahman, aka Ramban) 257,
336–7, 346, 350–51
Nahshon Gaon 314
Najara, Jacob 398–9, 404–5
Naomi 76
Naphtali (tribe) 11
Naples 365
Napoleon I 414, 424, 442,
443, 461
Narbonne 237, 323
Naro (Hammam-Lif) synagogue 297
Nash Papyrus 66
nasi 268–9, 285, 298
Nasi, Gracia 373–4
Nasi, Joseph 373–4
Nathan the Babylonian 264
Nathan of Gaza (Abraham Nathan b.
Elisha Hayim Ashkenazi)
398, 399, 400, 402, 403,
405, 407
Nathansohn, Joseph Saul 450
European 438, 444, 445 see also
Jewish 442, 447, 454; Zionist see
Magyar 464
Natronai, Gaon of Sura 271
nazirites 58, 165–6, 168–9
nazirite vow 120, 165, 168, 204
Nazism 436–7, 445, 449, 474, 503
annihilation of Jewish communities
in Soviet Union under Nazis
Holocaust see Holocaust
Nazoraeans 196
Nebuchadnezzar 12, 229
Nehardea academy 270
Nehemiah 23, 26, 61
neo-orthodox Judaism 480–85
Neologists 464–5
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