A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 607

Ostia synagogue 295
Ottomans/Ottoman empire 360, 362,
363, 373–4, 398, 401–2, 407,
Oxyrhynchus 99

paganism 255–6
idol worship see idolatry
pagan cult in Jerusalem Temple
24, 94
pagan imagery in synagogues
255–6, 294, 295
pagan temples 40–41, 43, 171
Pale of Settlement 440, 441
under British Mandate 436, 437,
Byzantine 230–31, 267–8
Canaan see Canaan
and the Crusaders 230
Jewish immigration 363, 436, 505
Mizrahi movement 506
mosaics 231, 245, 246, 255–6,
264, 268, 269
under Muslim control 230, 231–2
pagan temples 40–41
Palestinian cause and the Islamic
world 446
Palestinian Israelis 437
rabbinic centres 265, 267–8
West Bank 507
Palestinian Talmud 256, 263, 264,
267, 268, 270, 291, 320, 508
Panium, battle of 93
pantheism 373
paradise 218
Disputation of 257, 337–8
Moroccan Jewish community 527
Sanhedrin 424, 442, 461
Parthians 97, 101, 202, 230, 234
Passover see Pesach
patrilineal descent 478, 480, 529
Paul, Apostle 68, 115–16, 144–5,
186–8, 189–95, 197, 218

conversion 191
epistles: II Corinthians 189, 191,
194; Galatians 192–3; Philip-
pians 189; Romans 189, 192
mission to the gentiles 191–3,
and Peter 192–3
Paul IV, Pope 365
paytanim 248
Pentateuch xxvi, 26, 27, 29–31, 54
authorship 27, 30, 373
Benamozegh’s commentary 463–4,
Culi’s commentary 377
divine inspiration 30–31
liturgical reading 61, 68
Nahmanides’ commentary 351
Pentateuchal law see Torah/Jewish
law: Pentateuchal law and
Judaism in the Bible
on pollution 199–200
polyglot edition 291
Rashi’s commentary 362
sacrificial cult 39–40, 52, 53
Shema 66–7
and Spinoza 373
translated into Greek 32–3, 291
see also Septuagint
Pentecost see Shavuot
persecution see also antisemitism
under Antiochus IV Epiphanes 15,
202, 219–20
and the blood libel 238
of Buber 474
burning of talmudic works 257,
337–8, 365
Chmielnicki massacres 364, 385,
and Christian state restrictions on
Jews 232–3
confinement to ghettoes see
under the Crusades 237–8, 319
expulsions of diasporan Jews 237,
238, 363, 365
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