A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

608 index

persecution – cont.
and German riots 443
Holocaust see Holocaust
under Inquisition 237, 360, 365
and martyrdom 219–21, 258, 449
and mass migration 436
pogroms 440, 448
Rhineland 319–20
of Soviet Jews wishing to emigrate
to Israel 507
and trade 365
Persia/Persians 12–13, 20, 23, 91,
374, 528 see also Iran
Persian empire 14, 20, 23–4, 92
religious influences in biblical texts
and Judaism 29
and the Samaritans 59
Sasanians 230, 231, 234
Pesach (Passover) 48, 49, 52, 67, 252,
253, 456
and counting the omer 125, 280
date change under Justinian 296–7
food restrictions 385
Haggadah see Haggadah
matzot‑making 450
Mimouna festival 527
Seder 67–8, 196, 252, 255, 369, 455
Pesikta de‑Rab Kahana 276–7
Pest 465
Peter, Apostle 188
and Paul 192–3
Petronius 104
Pfefferkorn, Johannes 370
Pharaoh 8, 63, 76
Akhenaten 28–9
Rameses II 22
Pharisees 107, 110, 114–22, 492
and Alexander Jannaeus 121–2
and Alexandra Salome 98–9
approach to Torah 117–20, 164
and Jesus 111, 114, 116–17, 118,
120, 185, 201, 204
in Mark’s Gospel 117
in Mathew’s Gospel 111, 114,
116–17, 118, 120

and oaths/vows 204
and Sadducees 115, 119–20, 124,
126, 127, 158, 218
Philip, Apostle 188
Philistines 10, 11, 22
Philo of Alexandria 28, 33, 46, 50,
56, 60, 64, 65, 67, 69, 84, 108,
113, 170–72, 200, 203, 217–18
Allegorical Commentary 175
allegorical interpretation of Torah:
and opposition to extreme
allegorists 159, 178; uncover-
ing the deeper meaning 170,
On Animals 178
on avoidance of oaths and vows 204
On the Contemplative Life 136–8
On the Creation (De Opificio
Mundi) 180
and de’Rossi 366
on the end time 213–14
on Essenes 128, 129–30, 134,
and ethics 175
Exposition of the Law 179
Hypothetica 134
Life of Moses 179
and Logos 174–5, 304, 368
and Platonism 172–4, 326–7
On Providence 178
Questions and Answers on Genesis
On Rewards and Punishments 179
and Stoicism 171–2, 174, 175, 176
on teaching by example 118–19
That Every Good Man is Free 69,
and the Therapeutae 136–8
On Virtues 179
Philo (poet): About Jerusalem 99
philosophy 326–41
and ethics 329–30
existentialism 473–4
Greek xxviii, 29, 100, 174, 259,
276; Aristotelianism see
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