A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 609

Aristotelianism; Neoplatonism
see Neoplatonism; Platonism
86, 172–4, 217–18, 326–7 see
also Plato
idealist 460, 469
Kantian 459, 469, 470, 471, 487
logical positivism 522
rationalism see rationalism
vs revelation 330–31
phylacteries (tefillin) 320, 463, 518
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 365,
367, 368
Pilate, Pontius 186
pilgrimage 50–51, 108, 171, 234,
244–5, 260, 323, 509
Pilpel, Abraham Ber 479
pilpul (teaching method) 385–8
Pinchas/Phineas (grandson of Aaron)
xxiv–xxv, 144
Pinsk 385
Pirkei de Rabbi Eliezer 518
Pirkoi ben Baboi 284
Pithom 22
Pittsburg Platform 467–8, 471, 475
piyyutim (poems) 248
Plaskow, Judith 519
Plato 172, 327, 352
Phaedrus 172
Timaeus 172, 174
Platonism 86, 172–4, 217–18, 326–7
Pliny the elder 128, 129, 134, 139
pluralism xxiv, 493–4, 522–3, 531
Plutarch 71
Poalei Agudat Yisrael 486
Podolia 410, 417
pogroms 440, 448
Poland 238, 240, 309, 310, 364, 376,
382, 422, 435, 440, 504
academies 317, 385
Agudat Israel 486
Ashkenazim 362, 364
Bund 447
Chmielnicki massacres 364, 385,
Frankism 410, 424

Hasidism 417–18, 421–2, 424
and the Holocaust 437
Jewish immigration from Germany
362, 364
Jewish poll tax 421
Jewish population growth 364
Kaddish recital 383–4
orthodox Judaism 485
Russian expansion of tsarist power
into 440
Statute of Kalisz 364
Yiddish 362
pollution 45, 125, 199–201, 205,
250, 262
Polycharmos, Claudius Tiberius
(Acyrios) 298
polygamy 258, 273, 533
polytheism 43, 194
Pompey 15, 24, 92, 100–101
Popillius Laenas, Gaius 94
population, Jewish 435–6, 438
growth in Poland 364
Reform Jews in USA 477
in State of Israel 437
in USA 438
Portugal 359–60, 362
expulsion of Jews from 363
Sephardi diaspora migration
during Renaissance 362
positivist historical Judaism 484–5, 491
see also Conservative Judaism
Prague 385, 413
Amidah/Shemoneh Esreh 66–7,
247–8, 306
communal 64–7, 70, 247
Hasidic 415, 417, 421, 422;
Hasidei Ashkenaz care and
precision in 344
head covering during 323, 463
Hebrew/vernacular language used
in 467, 484
and heretics 286
immersion into divine presence in
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