A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

610 index

prayer – cont.
intensification in Lurianic kabbalah
Jewish renewal and Sufi forms of
Kaddish 280, 383–4
kedushah 247–8
for local government in diaspora 449
memorial prayers 384
with mixed seating 489
piyyutim inserted into prayers 248
prostration in 14, 67
in Reform synagogues 463
for State of Israel 449, 509
tehinnus 376–7
at Temple Mount 453
of a tsaddik 509
at Western Wall 513
women’s prayer groups 518
Yizkor 449, 453
prayer books 247, 263, 362, 453,
463, 478, 484
Einhorn’s Olat Tamid 467
illumination in 247
Sabbath Prayer Book (ed. Kaplan)
Pressburg 385, 500
Priesand, Sally J. 477, 517
priests 52–5, 56, 75
in the diaspora 52–3, 55, 58
Hasmonaean see Hasmonaeans
high see High Priests
marriage of 52, 455
as mediators of divine blessing 54
Zadokites 55, 96, 156
printing 362–3
and Jewish personal reading
of Zohar 394
Prisca 188
Procopius: Secret History 296–7
procreation 78, 82
prophecy 212
of end-time gathering of nations in
Jerusalem 76, 85

prophets 75 see also individual
prophets by name
proselytes xxiii, 21, 50, 111–12, 291,
295, 414 see also conversion
and biblical criticism 463
Calvinism 371
liberal theology in 463
Lutheran Church 370
Reformation 361, 370
wars of religion 360, 362
Protocols of the Elders of Zion 446
Provence 181, 250, 317, 332, 335,
esoteric ideas disseminating from
kabbalists of 351, 352
Proverbs 26, 28, 34–5, 74
Psalms 26, 27, 42, 48, 71, 73–4, 199,
of Asaph 27
Hallel 453
Psalter compilation for Temple use
Qumran Psalms Scroll 48
of the sons of Korach 27
Ptolemies 24, 91, 92, 93, 98
Ptolemy I Soter 14, 91
Ptolemy II Philadelphus 14, 33
Ptolemy IV Philopator 209
Ptolemy V Epiphanes 93
Pukhovitser, Judah Leib 376
Pumbedita academy 270, 317
Purim 62, 68, 254–5, 370, 454, 456
local ‘Purims’ 323
purity/sanctity/holiness 169, 199–201
and bodily emissions 80, 250 see
also menstruation
and circumcision 81–2
and the companions of Jesus 184
Essene observance 133, 135
Holy of Holies 55, 72, 85
in kedushah 247–8
in Pentateuch 79–80
and the Pharisees 120
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