A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 611

purification: on Day of Atonement
55; ritual ablutions 80, 201,
250; of Second Temple, with
Maccabean revolt 15, 24, 57,
96; of women after menstru-
ation and childbirth 80, 250
rabbis’ engagement with practical
means to sanctity 276
and the Sabbath 82–3
and sexual relations 80, 82
worship validity question with
incorrectly purified priests 125
Pythagoras 128
Pythagoreanism 110, 128

Quintilian xxii
Quirinius 103, 104
caves 146, 147, 148
community (Yahad) 146–58, 213,
303; allegorization and ‘real
meaning’ of Torah 147, 177;
messianic expectations 152,
154, 157; Rule 55, 148–58,
164, 216, 217; and the Teacher
of Righteousness 152–3, 154,
156–7, 183
destruction by Romans 158
solar calendar 154
texts see Dead Sea scrolls

Raamses 22
Rabad (Avraham ben David) 325–6,
Rabbah bar Nahmani 270
rabbinic Judaism
academies see academies
amoraim 28, 265
biblical exegesis see Bible, Hebrew:
rabbinic exegesis
Budapest Rabbinical Seminary
Christian influence possibilities 268
and community conformity 374–5
and the Essenes see Essenes

and the European Renaissance
gematria 275
halakhah see halakhah
Hebrew Bible as basis of xxvi
herem (ecommunication) 273
hermeneutical principles and
approaches to the law 274–8
home students and communal
study 264
Houses 162–3, 164, 166, 168
Islamic influence see Islam:
influence on Judaism
kabbalah as theological frame-
work 352 see also kabbalah/
and the loss of the Temple 241–60,
masoretes 61, 249, 272, 288
mystical texts 263, 264,
nasi 268–9, 285, 298
oral tradition see oral tradition
ordination see ordination
orthodox Judaism see orthodox
and the Pharisees see Pharisees
popular preachers (maggidim)
376, 377, 412
professionalization of the local
rabbi 374
Rabbanites’ relations with Karaites
301–9, 310
rabbis: 70–1000 bce in the east
261–88; 1000–1500 bce in the
west 311–52; authority of
individual rabbis 273, 317,
376, 382, 450; clerical dress
450–51, 461; education and
address 450–51; role in
synagogue ritual 312
Reform Judaism see Reform
relations between scholars and
‘people of the land’ 284
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