A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

612 index

rabbinic Judaism – cont.
in Renaissance 374–7 see also
Renaissance, European
and the Sadducees see Sadducees
sages see sages
savoraim 265
scribes see scribes
success of rabbinic movement over
Greek Judaism in Mediterra-
nean world 299–300
Talmud see Talmud
tannaim see tannaim
Torah preservation through 113
Ramban see Nahmanides, Moses
Rameses II 22
Ramleh 232, 272, 305, 310
Raphael, archangel 209
Rapoport, Chaim 519
Rashba (Shlomo ben Avraham Adret)
338, 347, 350
Rashi (Shlomo Yitzhaki) 313,
317–20, 326, 362, 376, 385,
rationalism 35, 305, 328, 336–9, 438,
460, 467
and allegorization 336, 338, 341
and miracles 336
vs mysticism 336–7
and the Reform movement 463
vs revelation 330–31, 340–41
Rava 270
Ravad see Rabad (Avraham ben
Reconstructionism 494–6, 517, 520
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College,
Pennsylvania 495
Reform Judaism 460–78
in Britain 464–5
Columbus convention 475
counter-reformers 479–97; and
conservative Judaism 491–7;
and modern orthodoxy 480–90
in Germany 460–63, 464, 471–4,
477, 483
and the Holocaust 476–7

and homosexuals 520
Hungarian Neologists 464–5
inclusion of patrilineal descent
478, 480
Jewish Religious Union 466, 491
middle-class nature of 517
Pittsburg Platform 467–8, 471,
in Soviet Union 478
and the State of Israel 475–6, 477;
rejection by most native-born
Israelis 478
theological literature 469–74
in USA 466–8, 471, 475, 477
World Union for Progressive
Judaism 474–5, 476, 478
and Zionism 475–6
Reformation, Protestant 361, 370
Reformer Society of the Israelites 466
refugees, Jewish 364, 365, 390, 437,
Lithuanian 503
Rehoboam 11
reincarnation 116, 218, 345, 394,
rejoicing 84
religious tolerance see tolerance,
religious tourism 51
Renaissance, European 359–77
repentance 76, 85, 183, 185, 241,
with fasting 84–5, 205
private 253
ritual 54, 55, 56
responsa 263, 313–14, 520, 531
Eleh Divrei haBrit 480
Responsa from Heaven by Jacob of
Marvège 316–17
resurrection 86, 217–18, 220, 336
of Jesus 187, 193
Maimonidean controversy 335–6
Paul and the general resurrection
193, 218
raising of Lazarus 187
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