A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 613

Reuben (tribe) 11
Reuchlin, Johannes 365, 370
‘battle of the books’ 370
Reuveni, David 359, 360
revelation 210–11, 340
and Conservative Judaism
to Moses xxi, 9, 211
prophetic see prophecy
vs rationalism 330–31, 340–41
Revelation, book of 211
Rhineland 311, 332, 336, 343
Hasidei Ashkenaz see Hasidei
persecution 319–20
Richard the Lionheart 238
Rif, the see Alfasi, Yitzhak
ritual slaughter (shehitah) 325
Roman Catholicism
and the ‘battle of the books’ 370
Counter-Reformation 361, 365
and the Dreyfus affair 444
wars of religion 360, 362
Romania 444
Romaniot Jews 300
Romanos I 233
Rome/Romans 15–16, 21, 24, 91–2,
229, 297
anti-Roman feeling 105–6, 140,
141, 145
Byzantine empire see Byzantine
Christianization of Roman empire/
society 229–30, 296
destruction of Leontopolis
temple 58
destruction of Qumran site 158
eschatological hopes against Rome
Fourth Philosophy and opposition
to Rome 106, 140, 141
and Jerusalem see Jerusalem: and
the Romans
‘Jewish’ catacombs of Rome 251,
294, 296

Jews in a Graeco-Roman world
91–109, 289–300 see also
diaspora: in Roman world
Judaea under the Romans 15–16,
24, 101–9
Rabbinic learning in Rome 272–3
Roman power crumbling under
Germanic invasions 229
synagogues in Rome 294–5, 297
taxation of Jews 16, 139, 229, 298–9
Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen 472
Rosenzweig, Franz 471–3
Der Stern der Erlösung 472, 474
Rosh, the see Asher ben Yehiel
Rosh haShanah 253, 322–3, 455, 509
Rosh Hodesh 518
Rossi, Azariah de’ 181, 366–8
The Light of the Eyes 366, 367
Rossi, Salmone de’ 369
Rothschild, Edmond de, Baron 447
Rothschild, Lionel de 444
Rothschild, Nathaniel de 444
Rothschild houses, Frankfurt 443
Rotterdam 363
Rubenstein, Richard 493
Russia 238, 240, 361, 376, 422, 435,
Black Years 441
Bund 447
Communist revolution and Soviet
society 441–2
expansion of tsarist power into
Poland 440
Hasidism 418
Jewish exclusion in late 18th
century 440
Karaites in 309–10
May Laws 440
Orthodox Church 361
Pale of Settlement 440, 441
pogroms 440
Reform Judaism 478
Romanian revolt against 444
Ruth 26, 36, 76, 77, 252–3
midrash 268
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