A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 615

Paris 424, 442, 461
Saragossa 236, 238
Sarajevo Haggadah 247
Sardinia 364
Sardis 292, 294
Sasanians 230, 231, 234
Sasportas, Jacob 403, 406
Satan 72–3
Satmar 504
Saul, King 10, 22, 23, 75
Saul of Tarsus 190–91 see also Paul,
savoraim 265
Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman 516
Schechter, Solomon 491–2, 493
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
460, 470
Schenirer, Sarah 486
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel (the
Lubavitcher Rebbe) 510–11,
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel (the
Tsemach Tsedek) 503–4
Christian 366
Islamic (kalam) 259, 309, 327–8
scribes 31–2, 68, 79
and Jesus 111, 114, 117, 185
Scythopolis (Beit She’an) 92, 269
Secular Judaism xxviii, 437, 446,
Humanistic Judaism 521–3
secular cultural Zionism 486, 495,
secularism 438, 439, 446, 479, 502,
510, 513
and maskilim 446
orthodox Judaism with openness
to secular culture 485
secular cultural Zionism 486, 495,
spiritual search within secular
lifestyle 515–23
Seder 67–8, 196, 252, 255, 369, 455
Seder Olam 113

sefirot/divine emanations 282, 329,
347, 349, 350, 352, 368, 391,
Seleucids 14–15, 24, 91, 93–7
Seleucus 14
self-defence 452
Selim III 373
Sennacherib 19
Sephardim 322, 326, 372, 377,
378–9, 385, 435–6, 456, 527
academies 389
chief rabbi in Israel 452
haredim in Israel 529
kabbalists 528
and Kach 508
and Kaddish 384
migration from Spain 362
Pesach food restrictions 385
synagogues 384
yahrzeit 384
Septuagint 33–4, 35–6, 84, 165, 290
and Philo 172, 176–7
Sermon on the Mount 185
Seville 237
changing norms of sexual relations
in North America 515
and the Essenes 134
feminist approach to sexuality 519
‘forbidden degrees’ 281
homosexuality see homosexuality
and procreation 78, 82
and purity 80, 82
Shabbazi, Shalem ben Yosef 394
Shach, Elazar 529
Shadal (Shmuel David Luzzatto) 463
Shadganites 303
Shalom Aleichem 440–41
Shammai 160, 161
House of 162–3, 166, 168, 200,
Shas 529
Shavuot (Pentecost) 48, 49, 125,
observance by Therapeutae 137
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