A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

616 index

Shechem 11, 14, 19, 59
Shekhinah 344–5, 349, 424
Shelomei Emunei Yisrael 480
Shema 66–7, 82, 321
Shemariah ben Elijah 309
Shemoneh Esreh/Amidah 66–7,
247–8, 306
Sheol 86
Sherira Gaon 263, 265, 270
Shiism 303–4, 334
Shimon bar Yohai 281, 282, 342–3,
350, 360, 389–90, 528
Shishak, king of Egypt 11
Shiur Komah (‘The Measure of the
Body’) 263
Shlomo Yitzhaki see Rashi
Shneur Zalman of Lyady 418–19,
420, 422–3
shtetls (eastern European market
towns) 440, 498, 516, 533
sicarii 141–2, 145
Sicily 364
Sidon 59
Silberg, Judge 451
Silver, Abba Hillel 476
Simeon ben Natanel 169–70
Simeon ben Shetah 122, 160, 161
Simeon (tribe) 11
Simhat Torah 254
Simon ben Gamaliel 116, 121, 127,
Simon ben Gioras 106, 217
Simon bar Kosiba (Bar Kokhba) 231
Simon the Zealot 144
and atonement see atonement
biblical critiques of sinful kings 79
forgiveness of see forgiveness
and justice see justice
original sin and the fall of man 393
Sirach see Ecclesiasticus (Ben Sira)
Sirkes, Joel 383
Sisebut of Hispania and Septimania 236
Six Day War 507
slaves 78–9, 130

Slovakia 465
Slutsk 385
Smyrna 400–401
socialism 447 see also Communism
National Socialism see Nazism
Société des Etudes Juives 447
Society for the Advancement of
Judaism 495
Sofer, Akiva 500
Sofer, Hatam (Moses) 500–501
Sofer, Shimon 500
Solomon 11, 22, 23, 41, 71–2, 212
Solomon bar Simson Chronicle 258
Soloveitchik, Hayyim 486
Soloveitchik, Joseph B. (‘the Rav’)
Soloveitchik, Moshe 487
Soloveitchik, Yitzhak 486
Song of Songs 26, 35, 36, 253
midrash 256–7, 268
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice 147,
Sonnenfeld, Joseph Hayyim 509
souls 86, 116, 217–18
and Adam 393, 394
dibbuk impregnation 397
immortality of the soul 134,
217–18, 339, 372, 457, 468
and Lurianic kabbalah 393
pure soul of a tsaddik 509
transmigration of 116, 218, 345,
394, 397
world soul 470
South Africa 435, 437, 529
Soviet Union 441–2, 507
emigrants to Germany 529
emigrants to Israel 442, 528, 529
under German occupation 442
Reform Judaism 478
Spain 230, 247, 297, 311, 314, 316,
339, 362
blood libel 238
Christian–Jewish relations 236–7
esoteric ideas disseminating from
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