A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

618 index

synagogues – cont.
liturgy 247–50, 252–3, 292–3,
335, 384, 449–50, 462–3, 496
membership, and Jewish identity
mosaics 245, 246, 255–6, 264,
268, 269, 292–3, 294, 297
pagan imagery in 255–6, 294, 295
public reading and teaching of
scripture 60–64
rabbis’ role in ritual 312
reforming pressures in 19th
century 449–50
sanctity of 69
Sephardi 384
women in 250, 477, 489, 495
worship see worship: in the
Syria/Syrians 12, 22, 24, 101, 102,
108, 200, 230, 245, 360, 435
Nazoraeans 196
‘Syrian wars’ 24
Szombatos (‘Sabbatarians’) 196

Ta’anach shrine 43
Tabernacle 40, 173–4
Tabernacles, feast of see Sukkot
Tabick, Jackie 517
taboos 15, 79–80, 111, 200, 201,
514, 529
Tacitus 48, 205
takkanot 277
and astrology 282
Babylonian see Babylonian Talmud
ban from Italy 389
and the ‘battle of the books’ 370
Brisker method of study 487
burning of talmudic works: with
Disputation of Paris 257,
337–8; in Italy 365; in Sab-
batian controversy 411
commentaries 313, 385; Rashi
319, 326, 387 see also tosafot/

condemnation by Disputation of
Paris 257
and critical feminist scholarship
and de’Rossi 367
Donin’s attack on 337
gaon scholars’ knowledge of 265
and heretics 286
and Israel ben Petahyah Isserlein
and the Karaites 301, 306, 309,
learning, as a religious act 532
and Levinas 477
Palestinian/Jerusalem 256, 263,
264, 267, 268, 270, 278, 291,
320, 508
pilpul (teaching method) 385–8
printing, and talmudic study 362
and the Reform movement 467
and responsa 313–14 see also
study centres 385 see also
talmudic scholarship and the
concerns of European Jews 311
as text for development of rabbinic
law 288
Tam, Rabbenu (Jacob b. Meir Tam)
320, 325
Tamar 82
Tamerlane 235
tannaim 28, 36, 201, 262, 265,
281–2, 285–6, 308, 350
targumim 34, 62–3, 218, 220, 249
Onkelos 249
Tarragona, Council of 236
tashlich 322–3
taxation of Jews see also tithes
in Islamic Spain 236, 237
in Poland 421
under Rome 16, 139, 229, 298–9
tax-collectors 167–8, 184
temple tax 59, 155
tefillin see phylacteries
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