A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 619

tehinnus 376–7
Teitelbaum, Joel 504
Tel Mevorakh temple 40
Tels academy 503
Temple in Jerusalem 142–3
annual festivals at 48–52
on Day of Atonement 55
First (Solomon’s) Temple 40, 42–4,
109; Babylonian destruction
12, 23, 37, 44; building of 11,
22, 41
Holy of Holies 55, 72
offerings brought to 46, 48–9, 55,
79, 101, 111, 183
pilgrimage to 50–51, 108, 171
priests in see priests
propaganda 57
and the Samaritans 59
Second Temple 43, 44–8, 50, 109,
531, 533; building of 13, 41;
and Caligula’s instructions to
Petronius 104; cleansing by
Jesus 144, 184–5; and the Dead
Sea scrolls 151, 154–5;
desecration by Antiochus
Epiphanes 15, 24, 44–5, 93–4;
diaspora’s concern about 21,
108; as focal point of rebellion
against Romans 105; Herod’s
reconstruction 16, 45, 102–3;
Levites in 53; mass martyrdom
to protect Temple from Gaius
221; and Pompey 101;
purification with Maccabean
revolt 15, 24, 57, 96; rebuild-
ing hopes since Roman destruc-
tion 243–4, 245, 247, 506,
533; revolt by Pharisees against
Alexander Jannaeus in 121–2;
Roman destruction xxvi, 16,
24, 53, 105, 106–7, 146, 229,
239–40, 241, 243; sages
teaching in 165; and wealth of
the Jewish world 56–7; and
Zealots 142, 145–6

symbolic significance 56
as a unifying force 158
Western Wall 453, 513
worship at 15, 39–59, 221;
abolition and replacement by
pagan cult under Antiochus 24,
94; and biblical texts 34–5;
validity question with in -
correctly purified priests 125
Temple Institute, Jerusalem 533
in the diaspora 57, 58
in Jerusalem see Temple in
pagan 40–41, 43, 171
Samaritan temple on Mount
Gerizim 59–60
Ten Commandments 66, 76, 83
Tetragrammaton 72, 365, 416
theocracy xxii, 140
Calvin’s theocratic state in Geneva
Theodore I Angelus 233
Theodosius I 232
Theodosius II 298
Theodotion 34, 290
Theodotus 60–61
Therapeutae 65, 136–8
Theresa of Avila 348
Theudas 214
Thomas Aquinas 333, 340, 367
Tiberias, Galilee 232, 267, 374, 534
academy 317
Hammat Tiberias synagogue 269,
283, 294
Maimonides’ tomb 337
masoretes 249, 272
tikkun olam (repair of the world)
393, 397
Tikkunei Zohar 351
tithes 51, 54, 56, 117, 166, 167, 169,
Titus, emperor 31, 107, 143, 171,
243, 244, 300
Tobit 36
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