A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

620 index

Toledo 316
El Transito synagogue 247
Toledot Yeshu 257
tolerance, religious xxv, 457–8, 470,
512, 527, 530–31 see also
in European societies with
increasing Muslim populations
of Jewish taboos 15
tomb veneration 323
Torah/Jewish law
allegorical interpretations see
allegorization of Torah
codification of the law 378–89
devotion to studying 163–4, 261,
417, 502
and Ezra 23
following the law freely from sense
of duty 470
halakhah see halakhah
haredi observance 499–501 see
also haredim
High Priestly transmission of
divine laws 79
and Hirsch’s opposition to
historical scholarship 484
Jesus and the interpretation of 185
Karaite scholarship in the law 306–7
liturgical reading and interpre-
tation of the Torah 248–9,
252–3, 254, 323
Maimonides’ thirteen principles
333–4, 340
masorah 248
Moses receiving and giving the law
9, 56
nature of xxviii
neglect/disobedience of the law 10;
divine punishment for 10,
11–12, 38, 75, 208–9
oral Torah 312, 337, 422
Paul, gentiles and the law 193–4
Pentateuch (five books of Moses)
see Pentateuch

Pentateuchal law and Judaism in
the Bible 71–85; care for others
77; Decalogue 66, 76, 83;
differing biblical codes 77–8;
family law 78–9; judicial
punishments 77; meat taboos
79–80; moral rulings 77;
prohibition of taking interest
78; and salvation 84–6 see also
Day of Atonement (Yom
Kippur); sanctity/purity rulings
79–80 see also purity/sanctity/
holiness; similarity of law codes
with Babylonian ones 28; social
rulings 77–9; treatment of
slaves 78–9
Pharisaic approach to 117–20,
on pollution 199–200
preservationist/orthodox observ-
ance 435, 498–514
preservations of variety of interpre-
tations 112–13
public reading and teaching 60–64
rabbinical hermeneutical principles
and approaches to the law
responsa see responsa
Sadducaic approach to 124–6,
127, 128
and the Samaritans 59
and science 389
teaching the law xxii; in the
synagogue 60–64
Torah ark 369
translations 32–4, 291, 458, 483
see also Septuagint
Torquemada, Tomás de 237
Torres, Luis de 363
Tortosa 340
tosafot/Tosafists 313, 320–21, 322,
Tosefta xxix, 166, 168–9, 262, 286,
Touro synagogue 363
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