A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 621

and balance of power in Europe
fur 361
intercontinental 361
and persecution 365
Traditional Conservative Jews 517
traditionalist theology 492
Trajan 232, 234
Transjordan 20–21
transmigration of souls 116, 218,
345, 394, 397
Transylvania 464
Treitschke, Heinrich von 469
Trinitarianism 259, 340
Zohar’s anti-Christian version 343
Troyes 237, 317
Tsemach Gaon 325
Tsemach Tsedek (Menachem Mendel
Schneerson) 503–4
Ts’enah uReenah 376, 377
tsitsit 450
Tummim 75
Tunisia 435, 438 see also Kairouan
Turkey 401, 403–4, 407, 409, 410,
411, 438 see also Asia Minor

Ukbarites 305
Ukraine 364, 420, 422, 435, 440 see
also Podolia
Uman 420, 509
Umayyads 236, 244
Union for Traditional (Conservative)
Judaism 494, 496
Union of American Hebrew Congre-
gations 467, 492
Unique Cherub 344
United Kingdom see Britain and the
United Kingdom
United States of America 435–6, 437,
438, 446, 531
Bill of Rights 438
claims of diverse groups to Jewish
identity 529
Conservative Judaism 484, 491–6

gay liberation 520
havurot 517
and Israel 446
Jewish Theological Seminary of
America 491, 494–5, 496
Liberal Jews 181
New York see New York
orthodox Judaism 487–8
Reform Judaism 466–8, 471, 475,
Satmar in 504
spiritual search of young Jews
Touro synagogue 363–4
Union of American Hebrew
Congregations 467, 492
United Synagogue (Britain) 489, 497
United Synagogue of America (now
United Synagogue of Conserv-
ative Judaism) 492, 493
universalism 76
Uqba ibn Nafi 235
Uriel, archangel 209
Urim 75
Usha 267
Uzzah 31

Valle, Moshe David 406, 412
Venice 359, 374, 375, 380, 385, 412
ban placed on de’ Rossi 367
ghetto 365, 369
Jewish communities 365
synagogue 369
Venosa 299
Verein für Kultur und Wissenschaft
der Juden 447
Versailles palace 362
Vespasian 7, 107, 215, 229, 244
Congress of 443
Great Assemblies 485
Zionist Congress, 11th 493
Vilna Gaon (Elijah b. Solomon
Zalman) 377, 387–9, 414, 422,
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