A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

622 index

Vilna, Lithuania 263, 388–9, 469,
501, 503, 506
Visigoths 236
visions 210–11
Vital, Hayyim 391, 392–3, 394, 395,
Volozhin yeshivah 388, 502
vows 203–4
nazirite vow 120, 165, 168, 204

wars, obligatory and permitted 452
Warsaw 469
Ghetto 449, 454, 490
Weinberg, Noah 532
Weiss, Avi 518
Weiss Halivni, David 496
Wellhausen, Julius 439
West Bank 507
Williamsburg, New York 504
Wine, Sherwin 521–2
Wisdom (personified) 210, 212
Wisdom of Ben Sira see Ecclesiasticus
Wisdom of Solomon 36, 174, 210,
wisdom teachings 26, 34–5, 36, 100
and ethics 37
Wise, Isaac Mayer 467, 468, 479
Wise, Stephen S. 475
Wissenschaft des Judentums xxvii,
447, 460, 462, 463, 483
Wittenberg 370
Wolfson, Harry A. 522
anthologies addressed to 377
‘chained women’ unable to
remarry 530
changing role in North America 515
childbirth 200, 250, 251, 377
Christian treatment of 439
emancipation within Judaism
518–19 see also feminism
entering haredi enclaves in Israel 513
feminism see feminism
haredi 499–500, 501, 514
havurot and the equality of 517

menstruation 80, 163, 250, 251
ordination 496, 517, 518
prayer groups for 518
purification after menstruation and
childbirth 80, 250
in Reconstructionist movement 495
and the Sabbath 251, 510
in synagogues 250, 477, 489, 495
traditional and Reform roles 517
woodcuts 369
World Congress of Gay and Lesbian
Jews 520
world soul 470
World Union for Progressive Judaism
474–5, 476, 478, 520
Worms 315, 320, 324, 343, 382
academy 317
cathedral 342
cemetery 251
synagogue 341–2
worship 39–69
deviancy and apostasy in 11, 57;
and divine punishment 11–12
Egyptian 28–9
Essene 135–6
Greek 40–41
havurot experiments 517
of idols see idolatry
liturgical continuity 246
liturgical music 248, 369, 449,
467, 475
polytheistic 43
and the Qumran community 155
Sabbath and festival liturgy 247–9
sacrificial xxiv, 15, 39–40, 41–2,
45, 46, 48, 53, 70, 79, 85, 192,
245; critiques by prophets 42;
in non-Jewish religions 57; and
prayers after loss of Temple
247, 463, 464; ritual slaughter
(shehitah) 325; at unauthorized
centres 11, 44, 57
Seleucid assault on 24, 94–5
in the synagogue 39, 60–70,
247–9; languages used in
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