A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 623

290–91; with music 369, 449,
467, 475
at the Temple see Temple in
Jerusalem: worship at
Würzburg riots 443

Yaakov ben Asher 315, 316
Arba’ah Turim 316, 379–80, 381
Yaakov ben Moshe haLevi Molin (‘the
Maharil’) 323
Yaakov ben Wolf Kranz (Dubno
Maggid) 377
Yaakov Yitzhak of Przysucha (‘the
Holy Jew’) 421
Yaakov Yosef haCohen of Polonnoye
416, 418
Yahad see Qumran: community
yahrzeit 384
Yannai 248
Yavneh 260, 266, 288
Yefet ben Eli 307
Yehiel ben Joseph 337–8
Yehud see Judaea
Yehuda ben Shmuel haHasid of
Regensburg 324
Yemen 233, 239, 360, 394, 398, 402,
407, 456
Yemenite Jews in Israel 528
Yeshiva University xxvii, 487, 489, 520
yeshivot see academies
Yeshua ben Judah 309
Yetsirah, Sefer 282, 347
Yiddish 238, 362, 364, 376, 424,
442, 468, 498, 501, 504
yihud 397
Yitzhak ben Moshe: Or Zarua 323
Yizkor prayer 449, 453
Yoel Baal Shem 416
Yohanan ben Zakkai 121, 246, 260,
266, 276–7, 282
Yom Kippur see Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur War 507
York 238
Yosef, Ovadia 528–9
Yosef ben Hiyya 270

Yosi ben Yosi 248
Yosippon 299–300, 367
Yudghan/Yudghanites 302–3

Zadok 55, 123
Zadokites 55, 96, 156
Zealots 142–6
and the sicarii 145
Zebulun (tribe) 11
Zechariah 41, 44, 83
Zedekiah (Sacchias) 12
Zemach, Jacob ben Hayyim 393–4
Zerahyah ben Yitzhak ben Levi
Gerondi 326
Zerubbabel 13, 41, 281
Zerubbabel, Sefer 281
Zevi, Sabbetai see Sabbetai Zevi
Zevi, Sarah 406
Zion 25
Zionism 448–9
and the Agudah 485, 505
and Buber 473
as bulwark against assimilation 493
CCAR denunciation 468
and haredim 504–9, 513, 533;
Gush Emunim 506–7; Neturei
Karta 508–9
and hasidim 504–5
of Kahane 507–8
and messianism 448, 506, 509
and orthodox Judaism in USA 487
and Reform Judaism 475–6
secular cultural 486, 495, 508–9
Zionist Congresses: 1st 448, 468;
6th 448; 11th 493
Zohar 342–3, 349–52, 368, 389–90,
and Frank 410, 411
Jewish background 343–9
and Luria 390–91
printing 394
and Sabbatai Zevi 399
Vilna Gaon’s commentary 423
Zoroastrianism 230, 234, 235
Zunz, Leopold 447, 460
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