Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East - Jon K. Chang

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Security Concerns Trumping Korenizatsiia 141

Division in Eastern Siberia. Allison’s report stated: “Mr. Powell estimates
that at least ten percent of the Rus sian Far Eastern Army is made up of
Orientals; Chinese, Koreans, and Mongols. The head of the G.P.U. [OGPU]
in Eastern Siberia is a Chinese and one of the chief officers of the Rus sian
aviation force in Siberia is also a Chinese.”^125 The Koreans and the Chinese
of the USSR had a long rec ord of ser vice in the OGPU/NKVD dating back to
the when it was still called the Cheka (December 1917 to February 1922).^126
In direct antithesis to the Arsenev’s “white paper” (his report,
“Doklad”) was a speech by Afanasii Kim at the 17th All- Union CP Con-
gress in 1934. Koreans knew after 1928 that their fate in the RFE was in
the balance. The fact that they still had not received an autonomous region
(either an ASSR or AO) reinforced their fears.  A. Kim followed Stalin’s
example regarding blood as a metonym for loyalty while speaking for the
community as a whole. Basically, he pledged the absolute loyalties of the
Korean community to defend Soviet borders by affirming:

We are now living in a tense situation of complicated po liti cal relations....
in one of the kolkhozes of the Poset region near the border, we heard the
whir of a Japa nese airplane, which flew above the kolkhoz. Korean kolkhoz
peasants know that Soviet power is their own power, and that the Commu-
nist Party is their own party.... We know that the task of Korean kolkhoz
peasants and Korean workers is to defend our Red borders of the Soviet Far
East until the last drop of blood.^127

During the second half of korenizatsiia (1931–1937) in the RFE, there
was a much greater internalization of Soviet identity and values, because
after the establishment of Manchukuo (1932) and Hitler’s rise to power
(1933), the so- called cap i tal ist- imperialist enemy was actually at both the

Table 6. (continued )
Post/Division/Regiment Rank Name

  1. 12th Tank Battalion Executive
    Party Bureau

Khan, Nikolai

3 7. Po liti cal Instructor, 185th Mechanized
Construction Battalion

Po liti cal

Kim, Vasilii
[Signed Vasilii Konstantinovich Blukher, OKDVA Commander]
Blukher, 37 persons in total
Source: RGVA f. 33879, o. 1, d.115, ll. 22–24, as cited in Son, Rossiiskie koreitsy, 379–381.
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