Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East - Jon K. Chang

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222 Notes to Pages 102–104

  1. Larin, Kitaitsy v Rossii vchera i segodnia, 120–121, 132. See especially page 132,
    the work documentation (spravka) given to the Chinese in the summer of 1929. This docu-
    ment listed the occupations of a thousand or so Chinese throughout the Vladivostok okrug
    (urban and rural) in 1929. Chinese workers were fleeing due to the 1929 Sino- Soviet War,
    which began in July. They attempted to obtain documentation and state seals that included
    their places of work, job titles, visas, etc. in order to leave the RFE during the heightened
    tensions and then return after they had subsided— hence the spravka. This was not men-
    tioned in Larin’s Kitaitsy.

  2. Francine Hirsch, “Race without the Practice of Racial Politics,” Slavic Review 61,
    no. 1 (Spring 2002): 35, and Stalin, Marxism, 8. Martin stated, “ the Bolshevik’s own so cio-
    log i cal understanding of nations is historical and contingent.” See Terry Martin, “Modern-
    ization or Neo- traditionalism: Ascribed Nationality and Soviet Primordialism,” in Stalinism:
    New Directions, ed. Sheila Fitzpatrick (New York: Routledge, 2000), 348–367.

  3. S.  A. Bergavinov was the RFE’s CP Secretary from 1931 to 1933; J.  J. Stephan,
    Rus sian Far East, 343. Also see Khisamutdinov, Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenev, 1872–1930, 173.

  4. Amir A. Khisamutdinov stated that the archival files regarding why Dalkraikom
    requested the Arsenev “Doklad,” which Dalkrai members attended, how they voted on the
    deportation issue, and all other particulars regarding the politics related to the report are
    not available to the public, as they now belong to the restricted NKVD/KGB/FSB ar-
    chives. Khisamutdinov was able to see the files briefly after the collapse of the USSR
    through his acquaintance with B. G. Boltrucs, a former KGB/FSB officer (presumably as
    the files were being reclassified). See e- mail to author, May 19, 2012.

  5. Khistamutdinov, Rus sian Far East, 120.

  6. The citation data for the “Doklad V. K. Arseneva Dalnevostochnomy Kraevomy
    Komitety Vsesouznoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii” (Report of V. K. Arsenev to the Regional
    Committee of the All- Union Communist Party) is GAKhK (Dalsovnarkom collection),
    AOIAK, f. VKA, op.1, d. 50. and V. K. Arsenev, “Doklad B. K. Arseneva Dalnevostoch-
    nomu kraevomu komitetu vsesouznoi kommunisticheckoi partii,” in Zheltaia opasnost, ed.
    Boris Diachenko (Vladivostok: Voron, 1996), 93–117. Note that in Diachenko’s Zheltaia
    opasnost, S. A. Bergavinov is misspelled as “Bergravinov.”

  7. Arsenev, “Doklad,” 96. Diachenko’s Yellow Peril suggested in words and pic-
    tures that through trade the Chinese were trying to reclaim and take over the RFE again
    (irredentism). Diachenko was a staunch advocate of taking a hard line against Rus sia’s lib-
    eral trade policies with China during the 1990s.

  8. Ibid., 96–97.

  9. Ibid., 113. He used the verbs to Japanicize (obiaponit) and to Koreanize (obkoreit).

  10. Ibid., 114–115. Arsenev’s doklad (article) will be referred to as his “white paper.”

  11. “On the other hand, primordial volkisch ethnicity and semi- permanent Soviet
    socialist nationhood [Soviet identity] based on class values were being promoted at the
    same time”; see Martin, Affirmative Action Empire, 448. Weitz wrote, “The entire ideologi-
    cal construction of nationalities in the Soviet Union oscillated between an understanding of
    nationhood as historically conditioned and subject to individual choice, and of nationhood
    as a primordial, virtually racialized essence.” See Weitz, A Century of Genocide, 83.

  12. Arsenev, “Doklad,” 115–116.

  13. The numbers given were annual aggregates for the total number of fishermen
    hired. Many of the contracts were for less than one year.

  14. “The History of the City of Hakodate” (in Japa nese, “Hakodate shi shi”), “The
    Kamchatka Stock Com pany/Society” (in Japa nese, “Kamuchattsuka kabushiki geisha”),

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