Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East - Jon K. Chang

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AO. Autonomous Oblast, a territory smaller than an ASSR.
Arsenev’s “white paper.” The official name for this report produced for Dalkraikom was
“Doklad V. K. Arseneva Dalnevostochnomy kraevomy komitety Vsesouznoi Kommu-
nisticheskoi Partii” (Report of V. K. Arsenev to the Rus sian Far Eastern Committee of
the All- Union Communist Party). It is referred to as the “Doklad” or “white paper”
throughout Burnt by the Sun.
Ascriptive or essentialized race. Traits or qualities that are inheritable and ascribed to a
group of people. The trait can be place of origin, creed, religion related to phenotype
and others, but is turned into an essentialized racial trait through inheritance. The
belief in ascriptive race is also called “primordialism.”
ASSR. Autonomous republic, a national territory smaller than a union republic.
Bronia. A quota for admission to higher education.
Byt. A way of life, e.g., russki byt: Rus sian lifestyle, way of life.
Central Committee. Governing body of the CP.
CER. Chinese Eastern Railway.
Chauvinism. “Chauvinism” in Rus sian is best translated as “racism” in En glish, referring
to actions or conduct ( whether written, verbal or institutional) which discriminate
negatively based on race or ethnicity. “Racism” can be directed at either one’s race or
ethnicity with the connotation that the said trait is inheritable.
Cheka. Soviet secret police (1917–1922)
Comintern. The Communist International, which promoted international communist
movements outside of the Soviet Union through funding, materials, training, advisers,
and arms.
C P. Communist Party.
Dalkrai. Far Eastern Region appellation (1926–1938).
Dalkraiispolkom. Far Eastern Executive Committee (1926–1938).
Dalkraikom. Far Eastern Committee (1926–1938), used interchangeably with Dal Bureau,
Dalkrai Bureau, and Dalkrai Kom, depending on how the Rus sian sources have it written.
Dalny Vostok. Refers to the “Rus sian Far East.”
Dekulakization. The liquidation of kulaks as a class. Stalin formally began this period
in 1929.
Desiatina. Land mea sure: 1 desiatina = 2.66 acres.
FER. Far Eastern Republic (1920–1922)
Gosplan. State Planning Committee- All- Union (administrative level).
GPU. Similar to OGPU; both are names for the Soviet po liti cal police from 1922 to 1934.
Great Power chauvinism. Racial or ethnic discrimination by Rus sians toward the smaller
Soviet nationalities. “ Great Power” chauvinism and “ Great Rus sian” chauvinism were
interchangeable phrases (in Rus sian) with the same meaning. The Bolsheviks repeatedly

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