(^48) Pyay
The previous day was Thingyan Eve, and on this day the actual
festival started. Being a wet affair, taking any pictures became
virtually impossible. Bandstands with hosepipes and huge speakers
were constructed along the main road. No one could pass without
being blasted both by water and sound. One couldn't even think of
taking a side road, as young children manned the smaller bandstands
and were even more vicious. I spent an additional day in Pyay
enjoying the festivities. Everyone was having a blast, whether they
were walking or riding in the back of pickup trucks, getting totally
With my inability to wait, I left Pyay in a spray of water. Not much
further, the bike's back wheel started making an almighty noise. I
continued but the noise became progressively worse. Although I
sprayed a generous amount of lubricant, it was to no avail.
Ultimately, I returned to Pyay, hoping to find a bike shop. Finding a
bike shop was wishful thinking as everything was firmly shut and
would remain closed for the following four days. I was convinced the
problem was the back hub. The squeaky sound had miraculously
disappeared when the bike was dry.
I had no patience to wait until the festival was over and was
convinced the problem would reoccur once it got wet. One could take
a ride to Bagan, which had more bike shops, but it was an expensive
option. The positive was that it would get me off the road, as I didn't
care for the motorbike riders with bottles of whiskey stuck in the back
of their pants.