Honored by the Glory of Islam. Conversion and Conquest in Ottoman Europe

(Dana P.) #1

160 honored by the glory of islam

eight hundred prey, half deer, half rabbits.^79 One of his hunting trips took him

to the forbidding, emerald green island of Samothraki (Samothrace).^80 Meh-

med IV wanted to go up the steepest mountain, but his retainers told him they

would suffer death rather than allow it because the mountain was impossible to

climb. This tale of the sultan’s almost reckless bravery prepares the reader for

his future exploits on the path of ghaza. After the successful campaign, which

led to the conversion of the Cretan landscape, Mehmed IV was prepared to turn

his attention to waging ghaza in central Europe.

Conquest and Conversion on Crete

Taking Candia converted much of its religious geography by marking its land-

scape as Muslim-inhabited and Muslim-ruled. Not only did Christians become

Muslims over time, but churches were transformed into mosques.^81 Minarets

became the most prominent and visible sign of the citadel’s transformation.

First the great cross was taken down from the wall. Then the fourteen churches

and monasteries found within the citadel of Candia, which were Maltese, papal,

Spanish, and Venetian, became Friday mosques; bell towers were capped with

spires, and galleries transformed into minarets were added for muezzins, the

fi rst being the litterateur Evliya Çelebi, to call the faithful to prayer.^82 The great-

est church and monastery, San Francisco, apparently bigger than Hagia Sophia

and more spacious than the Suleimaniye, was named for Sultan Mehmed IV;

the others were named for Hatice Turhan, the only woman so honored; Grand

Vizier Fazıl Ahmed Pasha, the conqueror of Candia; Sultan Ibrahim, who had

launched the initial invasion; and the rest for the military commanders and pal-

ace offi cials. Seventy-four other churches were converted into smaller mosques

for daily use.^83 According to Silahdar, these places, formerly “fi lled with poly-

theism and error,” became “illuminated by the light of Islam” as they were

“purifi ed of idols,” sprinkled with rose water and musk, and mahfi l (royal gal-

lery), mihrab (prayer niche), and minaret were put in place.^84 This is language

similar to that used in the construction of the Valide Sultan Mosque in Istan-

bul, completed a few years earlier. The citadel of Candia had been full of monk

cells. To replace them with mosques, the soldiers fi rst destroyed the “idols” and

“images” they found so that “those ancient abodes of idols became, like the

luminous heart of the believer, free of the fi lth of polytheism; and those abodes

of graven images darkened by the gloom of infi delity became, like the heart of

the people of fi rm belief, purifi ed and stripped of the marks of error.”^85

In his writ in response to his victorious grand vizier, the sultan praised

the conversion of churches into mosques: “Those Muslim warriors fi ghting on

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