Honored by the Glory of Islam. Conversion and Conquest in Ottoman Europe

(Dana P.) #1

228 honored by the glory of islam

during one month in 1 686 while the sultan was hunting night and day, his tent

pitched either at the grounds of the imperial dockyards in Istanbul or in Davud

Pasha. This included two Orthodox Christian men, acting separately. The fi rst

converted to Islam and changed his name to Ali. He then petitioned for gar-

ments and alms to be bestowed on him according to statute. The second man,

the new Muslim named Osman from Yaylakabad (Yalova), located across the

Marmara Sea from the Ottoman capital, also appeared in court requesting the

clothes of a Muslim. Soon after, the new Muslim Mustafa appeared to request

the same Muslim garments, namely, materials for a turban.^56 Many men came

alone to convert and became servants to the sultan, such as the new Muslim

Ali, “honored by the glory of Islam in the imperial presence,” who came “to

wipe my face in your felicitous presence so that I may be attached to the group

of chamberlains of the privy tent” in the summer of 1 686, and the new Muslim

Abdullah, who in early autumn requested “that I become a soldier in the artil-

lery regiment.”^57

The sultan also continued to be a convert maker of women. A typical docu-

ment from fall 1 686, the autumn of Mehmed IV’s reign, reads as follows:

God is everlasting! The document has been registered.
It was commanded saying, “let women’s garments be bestowed
according to custom.” September 1 8, 1 686.
Long live his eminence my illustrious and gracious sultan!
This woman servant came humbly to your noble foot-dust to become
honored by the glory of Islam. It is entreated that according to statute
clothing and alms be commanded with gladness. The remaining
decree belongs to my sultan.
Your humble servant Fatma and her grown daughter Ayşe.^58

Two other examples of petitions involving women converts at court are repre-

sentative of the process:

God is eternal!
The document has been registered.
It was commanded that garments be given according to custom.
August 23, 1 686.
Long live his eminence my felicitous and gracious sultan!
We have come from Karîn-âbâd and become honored by the glory
of Islam at the imperial stirrup [before the sultan], two women, two
men, and two boys. It is requested that garments be bestowed. The
remaining decree belongs to my sultan.
New Muslims
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