Honored by the Glory of Islam. Conversion and Conquest in Ottoman Europe

(Dana P.) #1

 thefailedfinaljihad 229

6 people
2 new Muslim minors 2 new Muslim women 2 new adult Muslims.^59

The sultan had frequently passed through this town in Bulgarian Thrace while

on campaign and the hunt during the preceeding two decades. Because the sul-

tan would no longer come to them, compelled as he was to remain in Istanbul,

people from the provinces intending to convert before him had to journey to

the imperial capital. In another archival document one reads:

God is eternal!
The document has been registered.
It was commanded that garments be given according to custom.
Long live his eminence my felicitous and generous sultan!
This orphan slave woman desired to become honored by the glory of
Islam. That which is hoped for from my sultan’s exalted compassion
is this: since the articles of the faith of Islam have been repeated, my
clothes, gifts, and alms be bestowed according to statute. The decree
in this matter belongs to my sultan.
Your humble servant,
The new Muslim women, Ayşe and Emine.^60

Modern historians have not noticed that the sultan was instrumental in

bringing Christians and Jews to Islam and have thus been unaware of this

meritorious activity. But as these documents demonstrate, Mehmet IV exerted

great effort to bring Christians and Jews to Islam until the end of his reign.

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