Honored by the Glory of Islam. Conversion and Conquest in Ottoman Europe

(Dana P.) #1

80 honored by the glory of islam

was appointed grand vizier. But the Ottoman royal household still lacked the

powerful symbols that would signify its renewed strength and for nearly fi ve

years was overshadowed in every respect by an iron-fi sted elderly statesman

whom it had agreed to place in offi ce. How could the dynasty assert its rel-

evance following years of crisis and upheaval and upstaging by ministers?

Colin Imber’s wide-ranging book devoted to the Ottoman Empire from its

origins to 1 650, which actually ends before the reign of Mehmed IV, argues

that when sultans could no longer serve as heroic fi gures propelling the em-

pire to success after success, the empire depended on the scribal service on the

one hand, and the Shariah courts and legal system on the other, to maintain

popular confi dence and ensure its empire’s survival.^88 The writer of this study

seems to be closed to the possibility that sultans could indeed again become

mobile ghazis, pious models of behavior. This raises the question of whether

sultans were ever again heroic or again aimed to be depicted that way. What

was necessary to guarantee the survival of the dynasty? Would any sultan ever

echo Mehmed II, who had declared, “The ghaza is our basic duty, as it was in

the case of our fathers”?^89

To see how the leading members of the dynasty responded in the 1 660s

to crisis, calls to turn to piety, and subordination to the grand vizier, one has to

return to Mehmed IV, no longer a boy, by this point a young man of nineteen

or twenty. As Naima notes, at the same time that Köprülü Mehmed Pasha was

taking back Bozca Island, Mehmed IV, by being attentive to the needs of his

subjects, was demonstrating his mature behavior, intelligence, and vigilance

necessary for being sultan.^90 One has to look also at the actions of valide sultan

Hatice Turhan, who was primarily responsible for shaping the public image of

the Ottoman dynasty. The two worked hand in hand to strengthen the dynasty

and sultanate.

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