The Edinburgh Reporter May 2024

(EdinReporter) #1



DOG have praised the Edinburgh
veterinary team which saved her life.
Just months later, one-year-old
Tayto won a top award at Crufts.
The puppy returned to Braid Vets
after competing at the world-
famous dog show in March to
celebrate with the team which
treated her for a rare form of ovarian
Colin and Nuala Sim took Tayto to
the local vet in Mayfield Road, last
October amid concerns that she was
not her usual self.
Tayto had been in season - the
time during a female dog’s
reproductive cycle when she could

become pregnant – for an unusually
long time and blood tests revealed
an abnormality in oestrogen levels.
An ultrasound scan detected a
growth and vet Scott Dickson
carried out fairly complex
emergency surgery the following
day to remove a four-inch granulosa
cell tumour on one of her ovaries.
Scott, who has been part of Braid
Vets since 2003, said it was the first
time in his 30-year veterinary career
that he had seen that type of cancer
in a pet.
Tayto then won the good citizen
class for Samoyed females at Crufts
and came very highly commended in
the Samoyed yearling class – for
females, aged between one and two.
Colin Sim said: “There were times

when we weren’t sure Tayto would
make it and we are so grateful to
Scott. I don’t think she would be
here if it wasn’t for him and the
Ian Murray, MP for Edinburgh
South, presented Scott and his
colleagues with a special
Community Hero Award for their
lifesaving work. Mr Murray said: “The
Tayto story is lovely and the rosette
at Crufts was a fitting award for a
remarkable dog and family. It is also
a great tribute to the veterinary
team at Braid Vets who serve the
community brilliantly and have
done for many many years. My
community hero award to Scott and
his wonderful veterinary team is so
well deserved.”

Crufts Tayto reunited with vet


A MISSING DOG which survived crossing one
of Scotland’s busiest motorways has been
reunited with her frantic owners after 19 days
on the run.
Toy poodle Pepper kept a volunteer search
team, gamekeepers and local landowners, on
their toes for almost three weeks before she was
brought to heel in a humane trap.
Pepper’s anxious owner Davie MacLennan
enlisted the help of dog tracker Hazel Gowans
and her specially trained dog Fox Red
Labrador, Thor, who led a massive community
effort to trace Pepper after she was spooked by
a larger dog at a garage in the Broxburn area.
A drone, thermal imaging and strategically
placed cameras in areas where sightings had
been reported across West Lothian all played a
part in successfully reuniting the wayward
Amazingly, Pepper even survived crossing
the M9 - one of Scotland’s busiest motorways

  • and was filmed on the dash-cam of a horrified
    motorist who reported the sighting.
    Nervous Pepper, who runs away when
    approached, was eventually apprehended in a
    humane trap in a farmer’s field and is now
    happily home in South Queensferry.
    Electrician Davie, 49, admitted: “I had given
    up hope, I thought I am never getting my dog
    back but Hazel is awesome and that woman
    and her dog deserve medals.
    “She has been scrambling about in mud,
    setting up traps, following up sightings and out
    at all hours of the day and night. I can’t thank

Hazel enough, she has been absolutely fantastic,
along with many others including gamekeepers,
wardens, landowners and members of the public
who have been brilliant.”
Pepper has lost a few pounds, but is in good
health added Davie: “She has been hunting to
survive and I think instinct has kicked in - toy
poodles were originally bred for hunting, long
before they became fluffy show dogs. She has
lots of ticks and doesn’t smell great but
otherwise is fine, but we had her checked by a
vet just in case.”
Hazel, who runs the Hazel Muzzles Mutts
Facebook page, said: “Pepper is safe after
almost three weeks on the loose. She covered
huge distances and was very elusive in showing
to anyone - preferring to find holes under rocks
to keep herself safe. Winchburgh, Birdsmill,
Broxburn, South Queensferry and up in the
country fields behind Newton were part of her
Hazel revealed that Pepper had been tracked
to Hopetoun Fishery at Broxburn and her
search dog Thor confirmed she was in the area

  • also supported by reports from two people
    who had come across Pepper before she fled
    the scene.
    Hazel added: “Due to the proximity of the
    motorway only metres away, it was imperative
    to keep the area clear of dogs and walkers and
    bait her away from the roads and traffic.
    “Davie and Lyndsey (the owners) you were
    amazing, doing absolutely everything and
    anything that was required to get your lass safe.
    Well done everyone and welcome home little

Happy ending to Pepper’s 19 day shaggy dog tail

Poodle toyed

with hunters

Pepper safely
back in custody

Crufts champ Tayto
reunited with vet

Dog searchers Hazel
Gowans and Thor
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