The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Notes to Pages 54–59

  1. Journal de Salonique, August 11 , 1898 , quoted in Sandalcı, Feyz-i
    Sıbyân’dan Işık’a Feyziye Mektekpleri, 332 ; Sandalcı, Feyz-i Sıbyân’dan Işık’a
    Feyziye Mektekpleri, 63.

  2. Journal de Salonique, September 4 , 1899 , quoted in Sandalcı, Feyz-i
    Sıbyân’dan Işık’a Feyziye Mektekpleri, 333.

  3. Annuaire commercial & administratif du Vilayet de Salonique, 174 , 178 ; and
    Horton to State Department, June 2 , 1910 , “Incoming Correspondence (from
    State Department) (Dec. 14 , 1909 –Dec. 20 , 1910 ),” National Archives of the
    United States, microfilm MMA 4 /b/ 11.

  4. Alkan, Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 80.

  5. Ibid., 70.

  6. SVS, 1897 – 98 , 273.

  7. Ibid., 278.

  8. Fortna, Imperial Classrooms, 229.

  9. Alkan, Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 328.

  10. Ibid., 330.

  11. The title of the journal, Gonca-i Edeb, also connotes the flower of proper
    education, learning, and manners.

  12. Gonca-i Edeb (Salonika: Vilayet Matbaası, 1883 ), no. 1 (March 1 , 1883 ): 1 ; and
    Cengiz Şişman, “Gonca-i Edep’ten iki ‘söz,’ ” Tarih ve Toplum 38. 223 ( 2002 ): 10 – 11.

  13. Fazlı Necip, “Edeb veya edebiyat,” Gonca-i Edeb, no. 1 (March 1 , 1883 ): 3.

  14. Gonca-i Edeb, no. 10 (February 15 , 1884 ): 154.

  15. Gonca-i Edeb, no. 8 (June 15 , 1883 ).

  16. “İfade,” Gonca-i Edeb, no. 1 (March 1 , 1883 ).

  17. Ibid.

  18. SVS, 1889 – 90 , 101 ; SVS, 1892 – 93 , 32 ; SVS, 1904 – 5 , 79 ; SVS 1907 – 8 , 123 ;
    SVS, 1895 – 96 , 58. For a list of honors, see SVS, 1895 – 96 , 168.

  19. İlber Ortaylı asserts incorrectly that the journal “never mentions religion.”
    This is not surprising considering that he also wrote that in the Dönme schools
    “great stress was laid on secular education.” Ortaylı, “Ottoman Modernisation
    and Sabetaism,” 101.

  20. “Mekteb,” , Gonca-i Edeb, no. 8 (June 15 , 1883 ): 126 – 27.

  21. Gonca-i Edeb, no. 2 (March 15 , 1883 ): 45 – 46.

  22. Gonca-i Edeb, no. 11 (March 15 , 1884 ): 174.

  23. Alkan, Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 50.

  24. Interview, summer 2006.

  25. Eden and Stavroulakis, Salonika: A Family Cookbook, 36.

  26. Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 18 , 21.

  27. Ibid., 31.

  28. Şişman, “A Jewish Messiah in the Ottoman Court,” 341 – 42.

  29. Gonca-i Edeb, no. 10 (February 15 , 1884 ): 145 – 46.

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