The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Notes to Pages 64–68

  1. Şerif Mardin, Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey: The Case
    of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (New York: State University of New York Press,
    1989 ). One offshoot of the Nurcu, the Gülen movement, behaves more like the
    Dönme. For an account of their international educational ventures based upon
    Islamic morality and ethics, see Berna Turam, Between Islam and the State: The
    Politics of Engagement (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007 ).

  2. Van der Veer, Imperial Encounters, 44 – 45 ; 53.

  3. See ibid., 33 , 41.

Chapter 3

  1. Istoria tēs epicheirēmatikotētas stē Thessalonikē, ed. Roupa and Chekimoglou,
    3 : 280 – 83. Roupa and Chekimoglou say that the firm was established in 1872 ,
    but Yusuf would have been only fourteen years old at that time.

  2. SVS, 1907 – 8 , 582.

  3. Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut, 9 , 84 – 112.

  4. See Yerolympos and Colonas, “Un urbanisme cosmopolite,” and Anastassia-
    dou, Salonique.

  5. The best study of this overall process is Anastassiadou, Salonique.

  6. Donald Quataert, “Premières fumées d’usines,” in Salonique, 1850 – 1918 , ed.
    Veinstein, 177 ; and id., “The Age of Reforms, 1812 – 1914 ,” in An Economic and
    Social History of the Ottoman Empire, vol. 2 : 1600 – 1914 , ed. Halil Inalcik (New
    York: Cambridge University Press, 1994 ), 831.

  7. May Seikaly, “Haifa at the Crossroads: An Outpost of the New World
    Order,” in Modernity and Culture: From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean,
    ed. Leila Tarazi Fawaz and C. A. Bayly (New York: Columbia University Press,
    2002 ), 96 – 97.

  8. Anastassiadou, Salonique, 94 – 95.

  9. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 216. The first rail service to the rest of
    Greece was established in 1916 , four years after Greek troops took the city.

  10. Jacob, Strangers Nowhere in the World, 13.

  11. Anastassiadou, Salonique, 356 – 59.

  12. Ibid., 187 – 89.

  13. Ibid., 192 – 95.

  14. David Harvey, Paris, Capital of Modernity (New York: Routledge, 2002 ).

  15. Anastassiadou, Salonique, 14 ; Yerolympos and Colonas, “Un urbanisme
    cosmopolite,” 162.

  16. On late Ottoman clock towers, see Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut, 243 – 47.

  17. Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 15 – 16 ; photograph, 17.

  18. Nathan Wachtel, La foi du souvenir: Labyrinthes marranes (Paris: Seuil,
    2001 ), 14.

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