The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 101–105 

too prominent a part in the Bolshevik Revolution, became the core of the Com-
munist Party, and implemented the teachings of a Jew, Karl Marx, see Slezkine,
Jewish Century, 181.
108. Jacob, Strangers Nowhere in the World, 104.
109. Ibid., 122.
110. Ibid., 2.
111. Ibid., 4.
112. Ibid., 2.
113. Kıbrıslı Derviş Vahdetî, “Millet selâmettedir,” Volkan, no. 45 (February
14 , 1909 ): 213 – 14.
114. Lewis, Emergence of Modern Turkey, 207 – 8 n 4. See the sentiments of sev-
eral British writers quoted in Ramsaur, Young Turks, 106 – 9.
115. See Elie Kedourie, “Young Turks, Freemasons, and Jews,” Middle Eastern
Studies 7 ( 1971 ): 89 – 104.
116. See Stanford Shaw, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Re-
public (New York: New York University Press, 1991 ), passim, which frequently
contrasts the antisemitism of Armenians and Greeks, who he claims introduced
antisemitism to the Ottoman Empire, with the tolerance of the Ottoman Mus-
lims. Lewis, for his part, is more inclined to discuss antisemitism among Arabs,
particularly Palestinians, than among Ottoman Muslims or Turks. See Bernard
Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984 ), passim.
117. See Sander Gilman, The Jew’s Body (New York: Routledge, 1991 ), 60 – 103 ,
169 – 233 ; and Efron, Defenders of the Race, 13 – 57.
118. See Paul Bessemer, “Cavid Bey’e mektuplar,” Tarih ve Toplum 38 (July
2002 ): 22 – 23.
119. Volkan gazetesi, İkinci Meŗutiyetin ilk ayları ve 31 Mart olayı için bir yakın
tarih belgesi: 11 Aralık 1908 – 20 Nisan 1909 [December 11 , 1908 –April 20 , 1909 ],
tam ve aynen metin neşri, hazırlayan M. Ertugˇrul Düzdagˇ (Istanbul: İz Yayıncılık,
1992 ).
120. A. Şehâbeddin, “Din,” Volkan, no. 27 (January 27 , 1909 ): 123.
121. Kıbrıslı Derviş Vahdetî, “Mülk-vatan ve din muhabbeti,” Volkan, no. 42
(February 11 , 1909 ): 196 – 97.
122. Kıbrıslı Derviş Vahdetî, “Dindarlık-dinsizlik ve tarikatlar,” Volkan, no.
36 (February 5 , 1909 ): 166 – 68.
123. Kıbrıslı Derviş Vahdetî, “Ulemâ-yı kirâmın nazar-ı intibâhına,” Volkan,
no. 40 (February 11 , 1909 ): 186 – 88.
124. Kıbrıslı Derviş Vahdetî, “İttihad,” Volkan, no. 54 (February 23 , 1909 ):
256 – 57.
125. This is also asserted in Yalman, Yakın tarihte gördüklerim ve geçirdiklerim,
1 : 205.

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