The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 191–195 

24. MMKTT, 32176.

25. MMKTT, 32176.

26. MMKTT, A 31336.

  1. Interview, fall 2005.

  2. In 1945 , Haldun Nüzhet buried his father at the Muslim cemetery in Fer-
    iköy, where many Yakubi Dönme lie.

  3. Interview, summer 2006. Ahmet Tevfik Ehat’s oldest son, Osman Ehat
    Tevfik, married Marie-Madeleine de Mokrzecka, formerly of St. Petersburg,
    Russia, in Beyogˇlu in 1934. One of their sons, Tevfik Erhat, married a Belgian,
    Béatrice Bastin, and settled in Belgium; a younger son, Dr. Mustafa Fazıl Ehat,
    married a Frenchwoman, Yvette Ligeard, in 1954 and settled in France. Ahmet
    Tevfik Ehat’s elder daughter, Fatma Akile Ehat, married the Turkish consul in
    Antwerp, the Dönme Osman Nuri Nusret, in 1930 , but the marriage only lasted
    about six years. In the late 1940 s, the second husband of his youngest daughter,
    Aisha Azra, a journalist and writer, was Hungarian.

  4. Tesal, Selânik’ten İstanbul’a, 193.

  5. Carlebach, “Ohne Messias: Dönmehs,” 176. In Salonika, her family had
    owned a large home with a courtyard, but in the Turkish Republic, they lived in
    a hut; in Salonika, they had had the money and the wherewithal to have their
    youth exempted from military service and lawbreakers released from jail, but in
    Turkey, her only uncle was conscripted. Where once they had been able to solve
    their own problems, never having to ask for outside assistance, the Dönme lost
    their communal sense of responsibility and had to turn to others for help; none
    was forthcoming. Carlebach, “Ohne Messias: Dönmehs,” 183.

  6. Sandalcı, Feyz-i Sıbyân’dan Işık’a Feyziye Mektekpleri, 29.

  7. Ibid., 139. Further page numbers for this source are given parenthetically
    in the text.

  8. MMKTT, A 37726.

  9. The İpekçi Brothers business in Salonika dealt in crystal and porcelain in
    1908 , in haberdashery in 1910 , and, finally, in blankets, glass and mirrors, furni-
    ture and furnishings, perfume, and pianos in 1915. See Annuaire commercial &
    administratif du Vilayet de Salonique, 155 ; Horton to State Department, June 2 ,
    1910 (cited Chapter 2 , n. 58 , above); and Salonik: Topographisch-statistische Über-
    sichten, 142 , 152 , 165 , 169 , and 170.

  10. İsmail İpekçi, who had been active in the school since its foundation in
    Salonika. The Journal de Salonique informed its readers on July 13 , 1903 , that
    the Feyziye Girls School was looking for a Turkish-speaking administrator who
    would teach sewing; applicants were to apply to the owner of Bonmarché, İpekçi
    İsmail Efendi. Sandalcı, Feyz-i Sıbyân’dan Işık’a Feyziye Mektepleri, 333.

  11. Alkan, Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 122.

  12. Ibid., 126.

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