The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Index

Ehat family, German travel by, 74
eighteen commandments, 6 , 42 , 77 , 179
Ekrem Talat, 114
Emin Efendi, 199
endogamy: Alevi practice of, 252 ;
Dönme practice of, x, xv, 26 , 27 – 32 ,
78 , 98 , 122 , 129 , 173 , 175 , 179 , 180 ,
239 ; Dönme transition away from,
xi, 191 – 92 , 251 – 52 , 258 ; Gövsa on,
179 , 180 ; Mashhadi practice of, 255 ;
Yalman on, 175
Enver Pasha, 91 , 100 , 194
Erbakan, Necmettin, 314 n 8
Erdogˇan, Emine, ix
Erdogˇan, Tayyip, ix
Erhat, Tevfik, 303 n 29
Etem Efendi, 47
Ethem Müfit, 199 – 200
Europe: British and French occupation
of Istanbul, 121 , 136 , 143 ; city walls
demolished in, 85 ; in development
of Salonika’s public services, 67 ,
88 – 89 ; Dönme trade networks
in Central and Western, 74 – 76 ;
Istanbul districts with Europeans,
120 ; Kapancı families’ trade with,
72 ; Muslim attacks on influence of,
104 – 5 ; Salonika’s trade with increases,
67 , 87
Evrenos Ghazi, 127
“extinguishing the candle,” 167 – 69 ,
299 n 42

Faik Nüzhet, 94 , 119 , 192 , 248
Fanon, Frantz, 313 n 55
Faroqhi, Suraiya, 87
Faros tēs Makedonias (newspaper), 72 ,
87 , 199
Fatherland and Freedom Society, 99
fatiha, 125 , 134 , 208
Faur, José, 42
Fazıl, Mustafa: burial in Istanbul, 197 ;
family relations of, 31 ; message to
sultan on freedom and justice, 90 ;
residence of, 35 ; Sufi associations of,

57 ; on Terakki school board, 50 , 57 ,
196 ; tombstone portrait of, 58
Fazıl, Nasibe Emine, 31
Fazıl, Nefise Mukbile, 31
Fazlı, Mümtaz Taylan, 220 – 21
Fazlı Necip: Asır and Zaman
newspapers of, 54 , 103 , 107 , 221 ;
as Committee of Union and
Progress activist and publicist, 97 ;
employment with chief secretary
of provincial government, 56 ; at
Gonca-i Edeb, 55 , 56 ; on modernity
versus tradition, 270 n 107 ; Muslim
attacks on, 103 , 107 ; prevented from
returning to journalism, 221 , 223 ;
in tobacco industry, 223 ; in Véritas
Obedience, 94 , 97
Festinger, Leon, 266 n 8
Festival of the Lamb, 76 , 131 , 162 , 169 ,
Feyz-i Ata school, 190 , 193
Feyziye mosque, 197
Feyziye school, 50 – 55 ; closing of,
116 , 118 ; Çocuk Bahçesi periodical
produced at, 60 , 97 ; in fire of 1917 ,
115 ; in Greek Thessaloníki, 115 – 16 ;
location near seat of power of,
90 ; modernity and tradition at,
61 – 62 ; name changed to Işık, 194 ;
reestablished in Istanbul, 184 , 193 – 95 ;
and revolutionary movement, 97 ;
Rüştü as graduate of, 157 ; Yalman as
student at, 53 , 170 , 236
Feyzullah Efendi, Hajji, 29 – 30
Filikia Café, 113 – 14
first-cousin marriage, 30 – 31 , 78
Frank, Jacob (Baron Jakob Jozef ), 9
Freemasons: and Action Army, 107 ; in
Constitutional Revolution of 1908 ,
90 , 92 , 93 – 95 , 96 , 99 , 100 ; Dönme
as Masons, 94 – 95 , 108 ; Istanbul
lodge established, 101 , 105 ; lodges
do not survive in Thessaloníki, 246 ;
Murad V as Mason, 83 , 93 ; Muslim
opposition to, 102 , 103 , 105 – 6 ;
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