The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Index 

Ottoman Freedom Society related to,
143 ; suppression of, 101 , 186 ; Yalman
shooting associated with, 260
French language, 47 , 48 , 55 , 56 – 57 , 77 ,
Fua, Albert, 96

Galanté, Avram, 17 , 148 , 177 , 178 , 222 ,
Galip Pasha (Dönme), 48 – 49 , 56 , 108 ,
Galip Pasha (governor), 48
Garnett, Lucy, 168 , 270 n 56
genealogies, Dönme, x, xv, 27 – 32 , 78 ,
232 , 245
Géographie de l’histoire, La (Brunhes and
Vallaux), 167
Gilman, Sander, 255
globalization, 79
Glückel of Hameln, 3
Gonca-i Edeb (journal), 55 – 60 , 90 ,
173 – 74
Gordlevsky, Wladimer, 167 , 169 , 219
Gövsa, İbrahim Alâettin, 176 – 80 ;
as Karakaş school principal, 177 ,
190 ; writings of, 300 n 64 ; Yalman
countered by, xvii, 177 , 178
gravestones, see tombstones
Greco-Turkish War, 136 , 146 , 147
Greece: Anatolian Christians emigrate
to, 144 , 145 – 46 ; Dönme expelled
from, xi, xvi–xvii, 15 – 16 , 119 , 148 – 54 ;
Dönme in Greek Thessaloníki, x,
111 – 19 ; Jews killed in Holocaust, 257 ;
Muslim population declines after
1920 , 213 ; nationalism, 219 – 20. See
also population exchange of 1923 ;
Salonika (Thessaloníki)
Gülen movement, 280 n 108
gymnastics, 51 , 52

Hakkı Efendi, 108
Haldun (son of Faik Nüzhet), 192
Halévi, Moshe, 84
Halil Hikmet, 191

Hamdi Bey, 34 , 39 , 47 , 88 – 89 , 133 , 152
Hamidiye Boulevard (Salonika), 38 , 117
Hamidiye suburb (Salonika), 34 – 36 , 50
Hanım, Nakıyye, 194
Haniogˇlu, Şükrü, 91 – 92 , 95 , 287 n 75 ,
297 n 10
Hasan Sabri, 196
Hemshin, 18
Ho, Engseng, 205 , 206
Holocaust, xviii, 254 , 256 – 57 , 258
Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha, 95
Hüseyin Necati, 162
hybridity, racial, 165

İbrahim Bey, 87
İbrahim Kapancı (son of Yusuf
Kapancı), see Kapancı, İbrahim (son
of Yusuf Kapancı)
İbrahim Temo, 286 n 38
İbrahimzade, İsmail, 199
İbrahim Ziver, 54
İhsan Arif, 167
İleri (newspaper), 164 , 165
inheritance, 29 , 273 n 16
İnönü, İsmet, 141 , 148 , 249 – 50
intermarriage: nationalist concerns
about, 165 – 66 ; Rüştü on assimilating
Dönme via, 159 , 161 ; Yalman on
Dönme, 175. See also endogamy
İpekçi, Abdi, 314 n 12
İpekçi, İsmail, 51 , 194 , 204 , 277 n 33 ,
303 n 36
İpekçi family, 113 , 194 – 95 , 204 , 303 n 35
İrtem, Suleiman Kâni, 195
Ishmael (son of Shabbatai Tzevi),
267 n 24
Işık school, see Feyziye school
Islam, conversion to, see conversion to
İsmet Efendi, 116
Istanbul, 139 – 241 ; Ankara replaces as
capital, 186 ; attacks on prominent
Dönme in, 221 – 23 ; becomes globally
connected city again, 245 ; becomes
predominantly Turkish city, 244 ;
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