The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Index 

Resimli Dünya (newspaper), 167 , 168 ,
299 n 39
Resimli Gazete (newspaper), 167 , 221
Ricaut, Sir Paul, 18
Rıfat İnsel, 199
Ruso, Nesim, 287 n 75
Rüştü, Mehmet Karakaşzade, 53 ;
157 – 63 ; background of, 157 , 296 n 4 ;
death threats against, 158 ; disappears
from historical record, 181 ; Dönme
genealogy possibly passed on by,
232 ; false persona adopted by, 182 ;
Gövsa on, 178 ; interviews with, 162 ;
Karakaş go underground in wake
of Rüştü affair, 257 ; motivation
of, 157 , 163 ; “Open Letter to All
Salonikan Dönme,” 159 – 61 ; “Petition
Concerning the Dönme,” 158 – 59 ;
racialized nationalist line of, xvii, 158 ,
240 ; reverses his views on Dönme,
180 – 81 ; on sexual impropriety among
Dönme, 162 , 169 ; as source for
journalists, 167 ; Yalman compared
with, 170 , 172 , 175 , 222

Saadethane, 10
Sabah (newspaper), 97 , 120
Sabbatay Sevi (Gövsa), 177 , 300 n 66
Sadık, Major, xvi, 125 – 35 , 167 , 198
Salem, Emmanuel, 287 n 75
Salkım Hanımın taneleri (Karakoyunlu),
306 n 66
Salonika (Thessaloníki): Campbell
riot of 1931 , 220 ; cemeteries in, 43 ,
134 , 219 ; city walls demolished, 85 ;
demolition of Dönme cemeteries in,
219 , 220 , 246 ; Dönme expelled from,
148 – 54 ; Dönme in Greek, x, 111 – 19 ;
Dönme in local Ottoman politics,
84 – 90 ; Dönme in Ottoman, ix–x, xiv,
23 – 80 ; Dönme in post-revolutionary
politics, 98 – 99 ; Dönme remain in
after 1923 , 213 – 21 ; Electoral Register
of 1913 , 112 ; fire of 1917 , 113 , 115 , 116 ,
117 , 217 , 219 ; followers of Shabbatai

difficulties resulting from, 155 – 56 ;
impact on Dönme of, 147 – 54 ; Rüştü
on, 159 ; saves Dönme from Nazis,
257 ; Vakit on not including Dönme
in, 164
Porter, Sir James, 21
Poselli, Vitaliano, 39 , 89 , 91
Poyraz, Ergün, ix
public assemblies, 54
public sphere, religion removed from,
Pungis Brothers, 198
Purim, 3

qiblah, 41

Rabia (daughter of Ali Efendi), 29 – 30
race: in double bind of Dönme, 238 – 41 ;
hybridity, 165 ; Major Sadık on
Dönme origins, 128 – 29 ; racialized
nationalism, xvii, 158 , 163 – 67 , 239 –
41 , 249 ; from racism to antisemitism,
254 – 58 ; racist written attacks against
Dönme in Turkey, xvi, 121 – 25 ; in
Rüştü’s attack on Dönme, 158 – 63 ;
turn to racialized thinking, 135 – 37 ;
wealth tax correlated with, 231 , 235 ;
Young Turk views on, 92
Raktivan, Constantine, 114
Ramadan: Christian converts observe,
18 ; Dönme end fast five minutes
early, 41 , 78 ; Dönme fast during, 17 ,
42 , 76 ; Dönmeler: Hunyos, Kavayeros,
Sazan on Dönme observance of,
124 – 25 ; in eighteen rules of Shabbatai
Tzevi, 6 ; Major Sadık defends
Dönme observance of, 133
Ramsaur, Ernest, 286 n 38
Receb, Emin, 35 , 73
Receb, Rasim, 73
Receb Kaymak, 298 n 25
reincarnation (transmigration of souls),
5 , 9
Reinkowski, Maurus, 15
Republican People’s Party, 229 , 234 , 237

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