The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Index

Tzevi coalesce in, 4 , 5 – 12 ; fountain of
sour cherry juice in, 67 , 89 ; Greeks
conquer, 111 – 12 , 244 , 257 ; Greeks
from Turkey emigrate to, 145 – 46 ; as
heart of Constitutional Revolution
of 1908 , 90 – 91 ; Hellenized, 217 ,
246 – 47 ; internationalization
proposed for, 112 ; Jewishness of, 4 ;
Solomon Molkho’s messianic fervor
in, 267 n 18 ; Muslim population
declines after 1912 , 214 ; Muslims as
percentage of population in 1912 ,
67 ; Muslims leave for Turkey, 151 ;
Nazis deport Jews of, 220 – 21 , 257 ;
new contexts for social interaction
created in, 67 , 85 ; new professional
activities emerge in, 85 ; Osman
Baba’s grave in, 10 ; in population
exchange of 1923 , 142 – 43 ; population
of, 66 – 67 ; provincialization under
Greek government, 213 , 245 ;
public service development in, 67 ,
88 – 89 ; rail connections of, 66 , 67 ,
70 ; rebuilding after fire of 1917 ,
219 ; residential patterns in, 32 ;
Shabbatean rabbis in, 3 ; sites of
Jewish interest in, 247 – 48 ; in spread
of Christianity, 4 – 5 ; Sufis in, 4 ;
Tanzimat reforms in, 85 – 86 ; textile
industry in, 86 – 87 ; traces of Dönme
in, xiv–xv; trade with Europe
increases, 67 , 87 ; as Turkish city to
Yalman, 236 ; at turn of twentieth
century, 66 – 68
Salonika: A Family Cookbook (Eden and
Stavroulakis), 58 , 76 , 245
Sami Paşazade Sezai, 286 n 46
Şamlı family, 152
Samsun, 151
Sandalcı, Mert, 61 – 62 , 100 , 193 , 194
Saracogˇlu, Şükrü, 225 – 26 , 228 – 29 , 230 ,
234 , 237
Şark Tobacco Company, 151
Sarrafzade Halil Efendi, 31
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 16 , 256

Scholem, Gershom, x, 9 , 19 , 77
schools, 44 – 64 ; architecture of
Dönme, 41 ; closing of, 246 ;
Dönme lose control over, 252 ; in
Dönme social segregation, 78 ;
graduates in provincial educational
administration, 90 ; in Greek
Thessaloníki, 114 – 16 ; of Hamdi Bey,
47 ; in Istanbul, 62 , 185 , 192 – 96 ;
literary influence of, 55 – 60 ; located
near seat of power, 89 – 90 ; in
modernization and reform, 60 – 64 ,
275 n 4 ; morality emphasized in,
54 – 55 , 61 , 62 ; public assemblies in,
54 ; reputation for secularism of,
195 ; teachers buried in Bülbüldere
Cemetery, Istanbul, 199 – 200 ; in
turn-of-century Salonika, 68 ; Yalman
on, 174. See also Feyziye school;
Terakki school
Sciaky, Leon, 108 , 112
Sebîlürreşat (periodical), 222 , 237
second coming, 5
secularization: Alevi support, 253 ;
Dönme become secular, 230 , 258 ;
Dönme disappearance and success
of Turkish, 252 ; Dönme idealized
as secular national citizens, 248 – 51 ;
Dönme schools’ reputation for
secularism, 195 ; Dönme women
adopt secular attitudes, 63 ; as not
guaranteeing liberty and tolerance,
243 – 44 ; politics of, 240 – 41
Sefer ha-Bahir, 5
Şehabeddin, A., 103
Selânik (newspaper), 54
Selânik Vilâyeti Salnamesi, xiv, 54 , 70 , 71
Selim Sabit Efendi, 276 n 10
Şemsi Efendi: Atatürk studies at
school of, 44 – 45 , 63 , 64 , 194 , 210 ,
243 ; family in Greek Thessaloníki,
117 – 18 ; at Feyziye school, 51 ;
girls educated by, 48 , 52 , 277 n 33 ;
morality emphasized by, 54 ; moves
to Istanbul, 119 , 152 ; Muslim attacks
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