The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Index 

on, 103 ; property owned near Osman
Baba’s tomb, 33 ; relations with
sultans, 53 ; religious precepts taught
by, 45 – 46 , 61 ; Rules of Behavior for
Students of, 55 ; school of, 45 – 46 ,
47 – 49 , 60 , 89 – 90 ; secularizing
memory of, 210 – 12 ; at Terakki
school’s thirty-second-anniversary
ball, 114 ; tomb of, 185 , 210 – 12 , 211 ;
tombstone portrait of, 45 , 210 ;
Yalman attributes Turkish national
feeling to, 236
Sertel, Mehmet Zekeria, 25 – 27 , 29 , 221 ,
222 , 237 – 38
Sertel, Sabiha: antifascist writings of,
237 ; banned from journalism, 237 ;
brother Celal Dervish, 95 , 97 , 100 ;
Cumhuriyet sued by, 223 ; on Dönme
contribution to construction of
Turkish nation state, 100 ; elegy on
Atatürk, 236 – 37 ; at funeral prayers
at Teşvikiye Mosque, 41 ; as general
inspector of Terakki school, 195 ;
leaves Turkey, 238 , 309 n 127 ; marries
Muslim Turkish man, 25 – 27 , 29 ;
mob searches for, 237 – 38 ; moves to
Istanbul, 120 – 21 ; as nationalist and
secularist, 63 , 237 ; as Ta n writer,
222 ; tried for slander, 238 ; Turkish
government attacks on, 221 ; wealthy
friends of, 47 ; writings in Çocuk
Bahçesi, 60
Sertel, Yıldız, 10 , 58 , 63 , 77 , 94 , 100 ,
120 – 21 , 214
service nomads, 254
Shabbatai Tzevi: antinomianism of,
5 , 6 ; as central element of Dönme
religious synthesis, 17 ; chief rabbi
denounces, 84 ; conversion to Islam
of, x, 1 – 5 , 8 , 83 , 127 , 128 ; conversos
as followers of, 3 , 266 n 11 ; in
Dönme education, 46 ; Dönmeler:
Hunyos, Kavayeros, Sazan on, 122 ;
Dönme religious calendar based
events of life of, 13 – 14 ; eighteen

commandments of, 6 , 42 , 77 , 179 ;
father moves from Salonika to Izmir,
86 – 87 ; Jesus compared with, 5 ;
Jewish condemnation of followers
of, 14 ; Jewish law inverted by, 76 ;
Major Sadık defends, 127 – 28 ; on
not intermarrying with Muslims,
4 ; religious studies of, 87 ; split in
followers of, 2 – 4 ; Sufism in teachings
of, 5 – 6 , 9 , 19 ; tomb of, 128 , 205 , 244 ;
Yalman on, 172 , 173 – 74 , 175 , 181
Shabbateans, 3
shaving, 173 , 300 n 55
Shaw, Stanford, 102 , 289 n 16
Simmel, Georg, 7 , 95
Şişli Lisan school, 193
Slezkine, Yuri, 69 , 109
Slousch, Nahum, 96
Son Saat (newspaper), 167
Sons of Kibar Ali Brothers, 191
sports, 51
Statute of Relocation, 229
Stavroulakis, Nicholas, 77 , 220 , 245
Struma (ship), 229
Subhi Nuri, 164
Sufism: in Constitutional Revolution
of 1908 , 92 – 93 ; in Dönme religious
synthesis, 5 – 6 , 17 , 92 , 95 , 128 , 243 ;
Dönme tombstones refer to, 208 – 10 ;
Freemasonry associated with, 93 ,
105 ; Gonca-i Edeb articles on, 57 – 59 ;
Gövsa denies that Dönme are Sufi
order, 180 ; lodges demolished in
Thessaloníki, 246 ; orders outlawed
by Atatürk, 186 , 251 ; in Ottoman
particularism, 171 ; Salonika as center
of, 4 ; Shabbatai Tzevi influenced
by, 5 – 6 , 9 , 19 ; taqiyya, 8 ; on
transmigration of souls, 5 ; on unity
of God, 59 ; Yalman on Dönme
as Sufis, 175 , 176. See also Bektaşi
Sufism; Mevlevi Sufism
Suleiman Şevket, 54

Talat Pasha, 90 , 100 , 161 , 297 n 12
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