2020-01-25 New Scientist International Edition

(Barré) #1

16 | New Scientist | 25 January 2020

WE ARE beginning to better
understand the single-celled
organisms that may be the
ancestors of all complex life.
Last year, Hiroyuki Imachi
at the Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and
Technology and his colleagues
isolated a strain of Asgard archaea
and grew it in a lab for the first
time. That achievement has
now been published (Nature,
doi.org/gghwjg), and a slew
of recent studies is giving us
more insight into the features
of our possible ancestor.
The first Asgard archaea
were described in 2015 after their
DNA was found in sediments on
the Atlantic seabed. Biologists
immediately recognised that they
could help explain one of the most
important steps in evolutionary
history: the origin of eukaryotes.
Bacteria and archaea are
both old, single-celled branches
of life with simple internal
structures. But all multicellular
organisms are eukaryotes, which
have larger, more intricate cells
that evolved more recently.
While the Asgard microbes

are archaea, they carry genes
previously found only in
eukaryotes. This implies that
billions of years ago, eukaryotes
evolved from an Asgard archaeon.
The link between them looks
increasingly solid. In December,
Tom Williams at the University
of Bristol, UK, and his colleagues
analysed more than 3000 gene
families in archaea and
eukaryotes. They confirmed

that Asgard archaea are the closest
known relatives of eukaryotes
(Nature Ecology & Evolution,
The most crucial feature of
eukaryotes is mitochondria:
sausage-shaped structures
within the cells that provide
energy. Mitochondria were once
bacteria, which were somehow
engulfed by a eukaryotic cell.
The cultured Asgard archaeon,
Prometheoarchaeum, hints at how
this happened. When Imachi and
his colleagues grew it, they saw
long, tentacle-like protrusions (see

inset image, left). The team
suggests that Asgard archaea
cooperated with bacteria, which
first lived swaddled in these
protrusions, before ultimately
moving inside the Asgard cells.
Robert Robinson at Okayama
University in Japan and his team
found that Asgard archaea also
have mechanisms for assembling
and breaking down a protein
called actin (bioRxiv, doi.org/
gf8bfc). This forms struts within
cells and plays a key role in
enabling membranes to swallow
other cells. Robinson says the
Asgard archaea probably use
actin to grow their protrusions.
This can’t explain everything,
says Purificación López-García
at the French National Centre for
Scientific Research. She says the
outer membranes of eukaryotes
resemble those of bacteria, not
archaea. Many eukaryotic genes
also come from bacteria. She
suspects that more than two
types of microorganism
contributed to eukaryotes. ❚
Find out more about our
long-lost microbial ancestors
in next week’s issue.


Michael Marshall


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Deep-sea vehicles have
discovered Asgard archaea
(inset) in sediments


Many orangutans
released into the
wild don’t survive

THE number of Bornean orangutans
is dwindling, and there is little
evidence that efforts to relocate
them from risky areas or
rehabilitate those in captivity
bolster their population.
Between 2007 and 2017, about
1200 Bornean orangutans (Pongo
pygmaeus) were released into
natural forests in Kalimantan, the
Indonesian part of Borneo. Nearly
500 of those were formerly captive

and nursed back to health before
being released. But it is unclear how
many of these animals are still alive.
To make these estimates,
Julie Sherman at Wildlife Impact
in Oregon and her team reviewed
studies, news stories and public
data on conservation efforts. They
also collected data from rescue
centres, government agencies and
zoos on the outcomes of relocation
or rehabilitation for these apes.
The few cases where orangutans
were tracked for more than three
years suggest that fewer than
30 per cent of the released animals
may have survived.

During the study period, at least
620 wild orangutans were also
picked up outside protected areas
in Kalimantan and released into a
different wild site, mainly to prevent
potential conflict with people.
“The assumption translocation
practitioners make is that since
these are wild orangutans, they will
survive anywhere in the wild,” says
Sherman. Again, the fate of such
animals usually isn’t monitored.

The researchers found that, in
most cases, people weren’t tracking
the impacts of conservation actions
(Biodiversitas, doi.org/djs5).
Their analysis of spending by
145 organisations in 2016 showed
that rescue, reintroduction and
translocation was the predominant
conservation strategy for Bornean
orangutans, with more than
£3.8 million allocated to it.
Instead of improving the
status of this ape, however, the
species went from being classified
as endangered to critically
endangered in 2016. ❚
Shreya Dasgupta

All complex life may have come

from spider-shaped microbes

Proportion of released orangutans
that may survive for three years
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